Edmonton, Alberta Past Weather

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Last 15 Days

As of 3:45 AM MST
High: 22ºC / 72ºF   Low: 13ºC / 56ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1573%10.2101915.1NE26.300
1 AM1574%10.1101913.7NE24.200
2 AM1476%10.1101913NE23.100
3 AM1477%10101813.7NNE24.500
4 AM1478%9.9101813.7NNE24.600
5 AM1380%9.9101812.6NNE22.800
6 AM1381%10101812.2NNE22.200
7 AM1382%10.1101911.5NNE20.300
8 AM1577%10.8101912.2NNE16.700
9 AM1670%10.9101914.4NNE17.200
10 AM1864%11101915.5NNE17.800
11 AM1957%10.6101815.8NNE18.200
12 PM2050%9.5101715.1NNE17.400
1 PM2144%8.5101614NNE16.200
2 PM2240%7.7101512.6NNE14.500
3 PM2238%7.1101511.2NNE13.100
4 PM2237%6.810159.4NE1200
5 PM2041%6.410154NE6.900
6 PM2042%6.710154.7NW7.500
7 PM2043%6.8101610.8NW15.800
8 PM1946%7.110167.9NNW11.300
9 PM1854%8.410164.7NNE7.200
10 PM1759%8.710168.3NE1400
11 PM1664%9.210169NNE15.300
High: 22ºC / 72ºF   Low: 13ºC / 56ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1565%8.7102213NE22.800
1 AM1566%8.6102113.7NNE2400
2 AM1468%8.7102111.9NNE2100
3 AM1470%8.8102111.2NNE19.900
4 AM1472%9102110.1NNE1800
5 AM1475%9.2102110.8NNE19.200
6 AM1376%9.310219.7NNE17.600
7 AM1377%9.4102110.4NNE18.400
8 AM1572%10.1102210.8NNE14.700
9 AM1765%10102212.6NNE15.100
10 AM1859%10102115.1NNE17.400
11 AM1953%9.6102117.3NNE19.900
12 PM2147%8.6102016.9NNE19.500
1 PM2141%7.7101816.6NNE1900
2 PM2238%7.1101815.5NNE17.800
3 PM2236%6.8101816.9NE19.700
4 PM2236%6.6101816.6NE21.200
5 PM2040%6.4101815.5ENE26.200
6 PM1945%7.3101818.7ENE31.300
7 PM1852%8.4101921.6ENE34.600
8 PM1759%9.1101920.9ENE33.600
9 PM1762%9.3101918.7ENE30.900
10 PM1665%9.4101918ENE30.300
11 PM1569%9.7101915.8ENE27.300
High: 21ºC / 70ºF   Low: 13ºC / 56ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.01 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1470%9102311.2N19.400
1 AM1471%8.8102310.8NNW18.900
2 AM1471%8.6102211.5N20.200
3 AM1472%8.5102211.5N20.300
4 AM1373%8.5102211.2NNW19.800
5 AM1374%8.6102210.8NNW19.100
6 AM1375%9102310.8NNW18.800
7 AM1474%9.6102311.5NNW18.100
8 AM1572%10.3102312.6N1700
9 AM1670%10.5102413.3NNW17.100
10 AM1768%10.7102314.8N18.300
11 AM1864%10.9102216.9N19.900
12 PM2058%11.2102117.3NNE19.900
1 PM2153%10.9102117.6NNE20.30.010
2 PM2150%10.5102122NNE25.300
3 PM2151%10.2102123.8NNE28.800
4 PM2150%9.7102120.5NE26.200
5 PM1951%8.7102116.9NE27.400
6 PM1853%8.3102114.4NE25.600
7 PM1757%8.6102219.8NE33.700
8 PM1661%8.8102218.7NE32.100
9 PM1664%8.9102216.6NE29.100
10 PM1567%9.1102214.8NE26.300
11 PM1569%9.2102213.3NE24.200
High: 22ºC / 72ºF   Low: 14ºC / 57ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1573%10.1102211.5N19.500
1 AM1475%10.1102210.4N17.900
2 AM1477%10.110229N15.600
3 AM1478%10.210228.3N14.100
4 AM1478%10.510226.8N11.100
5 AM1575%10.410225NNE7.700
6 AM1572%10.210233.2NE5.100
7 AM1572%9.910234.3N7.100
8 AM1668%10.110237.6N1000
9 AM1761%9.610249.4N11.300
10 AM1854%9.1102311.5N13.200
11 AM2049%8.5102213.3N15.300
12 PM2143%7.6102212.6N14.500
1 PM2238%6.7102113.7NNW15.700
2 PM2235%6.3102015.5NNW17.800
3 PM2235%6.1102020.2NNW23.200
4 PM2236%6.2102022.7NNW28.400
5 PM2043%6.6102122NNW33.600
6 PM1945%6.7102118.4NNW29.600
7 PM1850%7.2102222.7N35.300
8 PM1756%7.7102219.4N31.100
9 PM1660%8102316.2NNE26.400
10 PM1563%8.1102313.7NNE22.600
11 PM1566%8.3102312.2N20.700
High: 21ºC / 70ºF   Low: 15ºC / 59ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.07 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1561%7.910237.9NNW13.200
1 AM1660%7.910238.3NNW12.600
2 AM1658%7.910238.3N11.800
3 AM1660%8.310239NNW12.900
4 AM1663%8.7102310.8NNW16.50.010
5 AM1567%9.2102311.9NNW19.30.020
6 AM1569%9.2102310.4NNW17.70.010
7 AM1568%9.110249NW14.900
8 AM1663%9.210249.4NNW12.600
9 AM1758%8.7102410.4NNW12.900
10 AM1853%8.4102411.5NNW13.500
11 AM1949%8.3102413NNW14.900
12 PM2048%8.7102314.8NNW1700
1 PM2146%8.8102214.8N1700
2 PM2145%8.9102114.8N1700
3 PM2146%9.1102115.5NNW17.800
4 PM2148%9.5102115.5NNW19.200
5 PM2053%9.8102115.1N22.900
6 PM1957%10.4102116.6N25.300
7 PM1961%11102115.8N23.30.010
8 PM1963%11.4102218N24.90.010
9 PM1863%10.9102219.4NNE27.800
10 PM1767%10.6102316.2N24.70.010
11 PM1671%10.5102213.3NNE21.600
High: 18ºC / 65ºF   Low: 12ºC / 53ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.03 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1352%3.110228.6NNE15.100
1 AM1253%3.210227.9NNE1400
2 AM1254%3.210227.2N12.900
3 AM1255%3.210225.8N10.700
4 AM1256%3.210224.7N8.900
5 AM1257%3.210223.2N6.300
6 AM1257%3.410221.1SE2.100
7 AM1354%3.810227.2SSE12.200
8 AM1450%3.910234.7SSW6.300
9 AM1548%4.110247.2W9.100
10 AM1647%4.410249WSW10.800
11 AM1746%5.210237.2WSW8.600
12 PM1845%5.8102211.5NW13.200
1 PM1849%7.1102216.6NNW1900
2 PM1854%8.3102115.1NNW1800
3 PM1854%8.9102113.7NNW16.100
4 PM1854%910229.4NNW11.800
5 PM1759%8.410223.2E5.800
6 PM1660%8.610226.5SE11.600
7 PM1661%8.610231.8S3.200
8 PM1658%8.110234NNW6.900
9 PM1660%7.910248.3NNW15.200
10 PM1662%8.410249NNW15.400
11 PM1665%910249NNW14.90.030
High: 19ºC / 66ºF   Low: 13ºC / 55ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.07 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1549%4.410187.6NW10.70.010
1 AM1551%5.2101810.1NW13.400
2 AM1554%6101813NNW1700
3 AM1556%6.2101713NNW1700
4 AM1559%6.7101716.2NNW21.30.030
5 AM1463%7.1101818.4N25.50.030
6 AM1458%5.9101817.3NNE24.700
7 AM1456%5.6101915.8N21.200
8 AM1549%4.3102017.3N21.700
9 AM1640%2.2102020.5N23.800
10 AM1737%1.8102019.4N22.400
11 AM1735%1.7102017.6N20.300
12 PM1833%1.6101917.6N20.300
1 PM1932%1.5101815.1NNW17.400
2 PM1931%1.8101815.1NNW17.400
3 PM1934%2.7101822NNW25.300
4 PM1836%3.2101923.8NNW28.900
5 PM1739%3101922.3NNW31.800
6 PM1643%3.4102023.4NNW35.400
7 PM1548%3.9102120.2N32.100
8 PM1450%3.9102116.2N26.500
9 PM1451%3.9102213.3NNE22.100
10 PM1352%3.8102211.2NNE18.800
11 PM1353%3.710229NNE15.500
High: 19ºC / 66ºF   Low: 14ºC / 56ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1647%4.5101923NNW30.200
1 AM1545%2.7101928.1N39.400
2 AM1446%2.2101924.1N3800
3 AM1448%2.8101922.7N33.100
4 AM1448%3101921.2N29.700
5 AM1448%3.1101820.5N28.900
6 AM1447%2.9101923.4N34.100
7 AM1449%3.2101924.1N35.900
8 AM1547%3.6101925.6N3300
9 AM1642%3.1102027.4N31.800
10 AM1738%2.6101925.9N29.800
11 AM1836%2.7101923.4N26.900
12 PM1835%2.7101821.6N24.800
1 PM1934%2.7101720.2NNW23.200
2 PM1934%2.8101719.8NNW22.800
3 PM1935%3.2101721.6NNW24.800
4 PM1839%4101723NW2800
5 PM1745%4.7101721.2NW29.200
6 PM1648%4.9101716.9NNW24.300
7 PM1550%5101813.3N19.300
8 PM1551%4.7101810.4N16.600
9 PM1453%4.810188.6N1400
10 PM1454%510187.6NNW12.300
11 PM1456%5.510186.1NNW9.500
High: 20ºC / 68ºF   Low: 15ºC / 59ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.2 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1858%10101810.4NNW18.800
1 AM1859%9.9101810.4NNW18.900
2 AM1860%9.6101811.2NW20.300
3 AM1759%9101711.2NW20.500
4 AM1762%9.3101710.8NW19.900
5 AM1668%10.6101710.8NNW19.800
6 AM1676%12101810.1NNW18.200
7 AM1781%13.6101810.8NNW17.40.070
8 AM1882%15101925.2NNW31.30.030
9 AM1973%13.8101929.9NNW370.020
10 AM1872%12.8102033.5NNW40.80.060
11 AM1856%8.9102034.2NNW41.700
12 PM1843%5.5101931.3NW37.700
1 PM2030%2101833.5NW38.500
2 PM2028%1.1101836.4NW41.800
3 PM1932%2101837.4NNW43.100
4 PM1837%3101835.6NNW42.900
5 PM1643%3.7101933.5NNW44.400
6 PM1648%4.6101928.8NNW38.600
7 PM1653%6.1101924.8NNW31.600
8 PM1651%5.8101923.8NNW30.100
9 PM1555%6.4101925.2N31.60.010
10 PM1562%7.6101920.9NNW26.40.010
11 PM1558%6.8101919.1NNW24.60.010
High: 27ºC / 81ºF   Low: 16ºC / 61ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1861%10.5101914.4NE26.900
1 AM1863%10.7101914NE26.400
2 AM1766%10.9101914.4NE27.200
3 AM1768%11.1101814NNE26.500
4 AM1770%11.2101813NNE24.700
5 AM1772%11.4101812.6NNE24.200
6 AM1673%11.5101912.2NNE23.700
7 AM1673%11.6101912.2NNE22.900
8 AM1868%12.3101913.3NNE18.600
9 AM2060%12.1102015.5NNE18.500
10 AM2251%11.5101916.2NNE18.600
11 AM2442%10.3101917.3NNE19.900
12 PM2535%8.8101816.9NNE19.500
1 PM2631%7.6101716.2NNE18.600
2 PM2728%6.6101616.2NNE18.600
3 PM2726%6.1101617.3N2100
4 PM2726%6101617.3N23.100
5 PM2529%5.9101615.5N26.600
6 PM2434%6.8101716.6NNE27.800
7 PM2242%8.6101819.1NNE31.100
8 PM2149%9.8101816.6NNE27.800
9 PM2054%10.3101814.4NNE24.900
10 PM1957%10.7101812.2NNE21.500
11 PM1960%10.9101811.5N20.300
High: 27ºC / 80ºF   Low: 18ºC / 64ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1940%5.610186.1NW11.600
1 AM1942%5.810185.8NNW10.800
2 AM1942%5.610186.1NNW11.800
3 AM1942%5.410186.1NNE12.200
4 AM1842%5.210179NNE18.100
5 AM1843%5.310189NNE18.500
6 AM1845%5.710189NE18.500
7 AM1846%6.210198.3NE16.400
8 AM2044%7.310209NE12.900
9 AM2140%7.2102011.5NE13.900
10 AM2333%6.1102014NE16.200
11 AM2429%5.3101915.8NE18.200
12 PM2527%5101816.9NE19.500
1 PM2626%4.9101818NNE20.700
2 PM2625%4.8101718.7NE21.500
3 PM2725%4.9101720.2NE23.400
4 PM2626%5101719.8NE25.300
5 PM2428%4.5101818NE31.300
6 PM2330%4.5101819.4ENE34.500
7 PM2235%5.6101921.2ENE35.800
8 PM2142%7.4101920.2ENE34.600
9 PM2049%8.7101918.4ENE32.200
10 PM1953%9.3101916.2NE29.500
11 PM1956%9.6101914.4NE26.600
High: 24ºC / 75ºF   Low: 16ºC / 61ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1868%11.610187.2NNE13.200
1 AM1770%11.710186.5NNE1200
2 AM1772%11.810185NNE9.500
3 AM1774%11.810183.6N700
4 AM1675%11.810182.5NNE500
5 AM1675%11.710181.8NNE3.700
6 AM1675%11.610182.2NNE4.400
7 AM1773%11.710191.8N3.400
8 AM1966%12.210192.2NNE300
9 AM2061%11.910192.9ENE3.600
10 AM2155%11.310190.7N0.900
11 AM2248%10.310192.9NW3.500
12 PM2342%9.210184.3NW5.200
1 PM2338%8.210175NNW600
2 PM2435%7.510164.7N5.700
3 PM2434%7.110164.7N5.800
4 PM2433%6.910174.3N5.600
5 PM2236%6.310171.8N3.200
6 PM2236%6.210184WNW7.500
7 PM2137%6.110181.4W2.700
8 PM2137%6.110185WNW9.300
9 PM2139%610186.5NNW12.300
10 PM2041%6.210185NNW9.800
11 PM2042%6.510185NNW9.500
High: 25ºC / 77ºF   Low: 16ºC / 61ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1860%9.810194.7NW8.900
1 AM1861%1010193.6WNW6.900
2 AM1762%1010193.2W6.200
3 AM1762%9.710194WSW7.700
4 AM1761%9.210185.4WSW10.400
5 AM1759%8.510197.6SW14.500
6 AM1658%810197.6SW14.700
7 AM1658%810197.6SW13.800
8 AM1853%8.710208.6SW11.800
9 AM2049%8.810209.4SW11.200
10 AM2145%8.9102010.1WSW11.600
11 AM2341%8.7101910.8W12.400
12 PM2438%8.5101712.6WNW14.500
1 PM2536%8.3101715.8WNW18.200
2 PM2534%7.8101616.6WNW1900
3 PM2533%7.5101617.3WNW19.900
4 PM2533%7.3101616.2WNW20.200
5 PM2336%7101614WNW23.700
6 PM2238%7101710.4WNW19.100
7 PM2140%7.110179.7WNW18.100
8 PM2043%7.3101812.6NNW22.400
9 PM1952%9101813N22.300
10 PM1860%10.4101810.1NNE17.900
11 PM1865%11.210187.6NNE13.700
High: 24ºC / 75ºF   Low: 15ºC / 60ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1754%7.810188.6W15.400
1 AM1754%7.610189.7W17.400
2 AM1656%7.6101810.1W1800
3 AM1659%8.110189.4W16.800
4 AM1663%8.810189.4W16.800
5 AM1666%9.110189WSW16.400
6 AM1567%9.210189.4WSW17.100
7 AM1665%9.1101910.1WSW17.100
8 AM1759%9.2101911.5WSW15.200
9 AM1953%9.1101912.6WSW14.700
10 AM2049%9.3101913WSW14.900
11 AM2247%9.6101913W14.900
12 PM2344%9.8101814W16.200
1 PM2342%9.8101715.1W17.400
2 PM2440%9.5101716.2WNW18.600
3 PM2439%9.1101716.9WNW19.500
4 PM2439%8.8101717.6WNW21.700
5 PM2241%8.2101715.1WNW24.100
6 PM2142%7.9101814WNW24.200
7 PM2144%7.8101813.3WNW23.400
8 PM2045%7.7101912.2WNW21.800
9 PM1947%7.8101910.8WNW19.400
10 PM1950%8.110198.6WNW15.800
11 PM1853%8.410196.1WNW11.500
High: 23ºC / 74ºF   Low: 16ºC / 60ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM1862%10.3101512.2WNW2100
1 AM1762%9.8101512.6WNW21.900
2 AM1762%9.3101513W22.800
3 AM1661%8.8101511.9W21.100
4 AM1662%8.8101512.2W21.600
5 AM1665%9.2101511.5W20.200
6 AM1667%9.6101611.2W19.500
7 AM1668%9.8101711.5W1900
8 AM1763%10.4101713.7W17.700
9 AM1956%10.2101715.1W17.500
10 AM2150%9.7101715.8W18.200
11 AM2245%9.1101715.8W18.200
12 PM2241%8.5101616.6W1900
1 PM2337%7.6101518W20.700
2 PM2335%6.9101520.5W23.600
3 PM2334%6.5101521.2W24.400
4 PM2335%6.4101519.8WNW24.100
5 PM2139%6.7101516.2WNW24.500
6 PM2042%7.1101616.2WNW26.700
7 PM2043%7101715.1WNW25.600
8 PM1945%6.9101814.4WNW24.600
9 PM1848%7.2101812.6WNW21.700
10 PM1851%7.5101810.4WNW18.200
11 PM1753%7.710188.6W15.400
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Clear 4°C
1014 mb
WSW 13.7 km/h

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