Lytton, British Columbia Past Weather

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Last 15 Days

As of 10:30 PM PST
High: 2ºC / 36ºF   Low: -2ºC / 28ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM-262%-7.710255.4SW11.300
1 AM-160%-7.910255.8SW12.100
2 AM-158%-8.110255.8SW12.100
3 AM-260%-8.110264.7SW9.800
4 AM-261%-8.110264.3SW9.100
5 AM-262%-810273.6WSW7.600
6 AM-272%-6.410274.3WSW9.100
7 AM-277%-5.610274.3WSW9.100
8 AM-282%-4.810283.2W6.800
9 AM-186%-3.210281.8W3.800
10 AM-188%-2.410282.2WSW4.500
11 AM090%-1.610280.4SE0.600
12 PM187%-0.610271.4SE2.400
1 PM285%-0.110262.5SSE4.100
2 PM284%0.410262.2SE3.600
3 PM291%0.410261.8SE3.100
4 PM195%0.410271.8SSE3.700
5 PM099%0.410273.6SW7.600
6 PM-198%-1.110284.7SW9.800
7 PM-298%-1.810294.7WSW9.800
8 PM-298%-2.510294WSW8.300
9 PM-298%-1.910293.6WSW7.600
10 PM-298%-1.710283.6WSW7.600
11 PM-165%-7.210263.2SW6.800
High: 1ºC / 34ºF   Low: -7ºC / 19ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM-691%-7.310295.8SW12.100
1 AM-691%-7.810295.8SW12.100
2 AM-790%-8.210295.4WSW11.300
3 AM-787%-8.910295.4SW11.300
4 AM-785%-9.310295WSW10.600
5 AM-784%-9.710305.4SW11.300
6 AM-783%-9.210295.4SW11.300
7 AM-783%-8.910295SW10.600
8 AM-683%-8.710294.7SW9.800
9 AM-586%-7.110284.7SW9.800
10 AM-587%-6.210283.2SSW6.800
11 AM-388%-5.410282.5S4.200
12 PM-182%-3.510263.2SSE4.800
1 PM178%-2.610254.3SSE6.400
2 PM175%-1.610244.7SSE700
3 PM178%-2.210244SSE6.300
4 PM080%-2.410244S7.800
5 PM-081%-2.710245SW10.600
6 PM-171%-5.410256.8SW14.400
7 PM-166%-6.710256.8SW14.400
8 PM-161%-810256.8SW14.400
9 PM-155%-8.910257.6SW15.900
10 PM-352%-9.410256.8SW14.400
11 PM-293%-6.410286.8SW14.400
High: 0ºC / 33ºF   Low: -5ºC / 23ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM-191%-1.810235.4SSW9.300
1 AM-191%-210245SSW10.200
2 AM-190%-2.110243.6SSW6.800
3 AM-192%-210244.7SSW9.800
4 AM-193%-1.910244.7SSW9.400
5 AM-195%-1.810244.3SW8.700
6 AM-196%-1.810254SSW700
7 AM-197%-1.810253.2SW6.200
8 AM-198%-1.810253.2WSW6.800
9 AM-197%-1.710262.9W600
10 AM-196%-1.610262.2NNW3.400
11 AM-195%-1.610261.1ENE1.500
12 PM-095%-0.910251.4SSE1.900
1 PM095%-0.510252.5SE3.300
2 PM095%-0.210242.9SE3.800
3 PM096%-0.210242.9ESE400
4 PM097%-0.210242.9E4.500
5 PM-197%-0.210241.8S3.700
6 PM-296%-2.710253.6SW7.600
7 PM-395%-3.910264.7SW9.800
8 PM-495%-5.110275SW10.600
9 PM-594%-6.310285.8SW12.100
10 PM-393%-6.810295.8SW12.100
11 PM-592%-1.510234.7WSW9.800
High: 0ºC / 32ºF   Low: -3ºC / 27ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM-387%-4.110217.6SW15.400
1 AM-386%-4.310217.2SW14.100
2 AM-386%-4.410216.5SW11.600
3 AM-386%-4.610216.8SSW1300
4 AM-386%-4.710216.8SW14.400
5 AM-386%-4.810217.6SW15.900
6 AM-385%-4.610216.1WSW12.900
7 AM-285%-4.510216.1SW12.900
8 AM-285%-4.410215.8SW12.100
9 AM-284%-410215.4SW11.300
10 AM-183%-3.810215SSW8.800
11 AM-182%-3.710216.5SSW9.300
12 PM-080%-3.210217.6SSW9.900
1 PM079%-310217.9SSW10.200
2 PM078%-2.810208.6SSW11.200
3 PM-082%-2.910218.3SSW11.200
4 PM-184%-310218.3SSW12.300
5 PM-186%-3.110228.3SSW16.700
6 PM-187%-3.110227.2SW15.100
7 PM-188%-3.110236.8SW14.100
8 PM-188%-3.110235.4SW10.300
9 PM-188%-2.810234.3SW800
10 PM-287%-2.710244.7SSW8.500
11 PM-188%-3.810214.3SSW7.900
High: -2ºC / 29ºF   Low: -5ºC / 23ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM-591%-5.410225WSW10.600
1 AM-591%-5.410225.8WSW12.100
2 AM-490%-5.410226.1SW12.900
3 AM-490%-5.510226.5SW13.600
4 AM-490%-5.610226.5SW13.600
5 AM-490%-5.610226.8SW14.400
6 AM-489%-5.910226.5SW13.600
7 AM-489%-610226.1SW12.900
8 AM-488%-6.110226.5SW13.600
9 AM-485%-5.910236.5SW13.600
10 AM-383%-5.810236.1SW10.600
11 AM-382%-5.710236.1SSW8.500
12 PM-280%-5.110236.5SSW8.200
1 PM-280%-4.910227.9SSW9.900
2 PM-279%-4.610229.7SSW12.400
3 PM-282%-4.610229SSW1200
4 PM-283%-4.610229SSW13.500
5 PM-285%-4.610238.6SSW17.700
6 PM-286%-4.410238.6SW18.100
7 PM-286%-4.410237.9SW16.600
8 PM-287%-4.310237.6SW15.900
9 PM-287%-4.210236.8SW14.400
10 PM-387%-4.210236.5SW13.600
11 PM-392%-5.310226.8SW14.400
High: -2ºC / 29ºF   Low: -5ºC / 23ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM-587%-610275.4SW11.300
1 AM-587%-610275SW10.600
2 AM-588%-610274.7WSW9.800
3 AM-588%-6.210275.4SW11.300
4 AM-588%-6.310275WSW10.600
5 AM-588%-6.410275SW10.600
6 AM-588%-6.210264.7SW9.800
7 AM-588%-6.110264.7WSW9.800
8 AM-488%-610264.7SW9.800
9 AM-386%-5.410264.3WSW9.100
10 AM-385%-5.110262.9SSW4.600
11 AM-284%-4.810253.2S4.400
12 PM-281%-4.610244.3S5.500
1 PM-280%-4.510243.6S4.500
2 PM-279%-4.410234S5.100
3 PM-282%-4.610234S5.300
4 PM-384%-4.710233.6SSE5.100
5 PM-386%-4.810232.5SSW4.500
6 PM-387%-510233.6SSW6.800
7 PM-387%-510235SW10.400
8 PM-387%-5.110235SW10.600
9 PM-486%-5.510235.8WSW12.100
10 PM-485%-5.810236.1WSW12.900
11 PM-486%-5.910275.8SW12.100
High: -3ºC / 26ºF   Low: -5ºC / 23ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM-497%-4.110226.1SW12.800
1 AM-497%-4.110236.1SW12.800
2 AM-497%-4.110236.5WSW13.600
3 AM-495%-4.310236.5WSW13.600
4 AM-494%-4.410236.5WSW13.600
5 AM-493%-4.410236.1WSW12.900
6 AM-494%-4.410246.1WSW12.900
7 AM-494%-4.410246.1WSW12.900
8 AM-495%-4.510245.8WSW12.100
9 AM-493%-4.610255.8WSW12.100
10 AM-492%-4.710254.3WSW7.700
11 AM-491%-4.810252.9SW3.800
12 PM-491%-4.710252.9SW3.500
1 PM-391%-4.710253.2SW3.900
2 PM-491%-4.710252.2SW2.700
3 PM-492%-4.710262.2SSW2.800
4 PM-493%-4.710261.8S2.600
5 PM-494%-4.710262.5SW5.200
6 PM-494%-4.910274.3WSW9.100
7 PM-494%-510275.4WSW11.300
8 PM-494%-5.210285.4WSW11.300
9 PM-494%-5.310285.4WSW11.300
10 PM-494%-5.410285WSW10.600
11 PM-597%-4.210225WSW10.600
High: -2ºC / 29ºF   Low: -9ºC / 16ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM-694%-6.310193.6W7.600
1 AM-695%-6.510193.6W7.600
2 AM-695%-6.710193.6WSW7.600
3 AM-793%-7.710203.6WSW7.600
4 AM-792%-8.210203.6W7.600
5 AM-891%-8.710203.6WSW7.600
6 AM-890%-9.610213.6WSW7.600
7 AM-990%-1010213.6WSW7.600
8 AM-890%-10.510224WSW8.300
9 AM-785%-9.310214WSW8.300
10 AM-683%-8.610202.5SW4.500
11 AM-580%-810202.2S300
12 PM-378%-6.110192.9S3.600
1 PM-277%-5.110182.9S3.600
2 PM-276%-4.210173.6S4.600
3 PM-280%-4.210183.6S4.800
4 PM-282%-4.310183.6S5.500
5 PM-284%-4.310184SSW7.900
6 PM-290%-3.810196.1SW12.900
7 PM-393%-3.610206.8SW14.400
8 PM-395%-3.310206.8WSW14.400
9 PM-395%-3.510206.8WSW14.400
10 PM-495%-3.610216.5WSW13.600
11 PM-494%-5.810196.1WSW12.900
High: -3ºC / 26ºF   Low: -8ºC / 18ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 3.33 mm / Snow: 2.41 cm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM-886%-910195.8NNW10.400
1 AM-786%-910195.8NW11.200
2 AM-786%-9.110206.1NW11.800
3 AM-787%-8.910205.8NW11.300
4 AM-787%-8.810206.1NNW10.800
5 AM-787%-8.710205.4NNW1000
6 AM-788%-8.510205.4NNW9.80.560.4
7 AM-788%-8.410205NNW8.80.830.6
8 AM-689%-8.310204.7NNW8.51.110.8
9 AM-687%-7.810204.7NW8.80.560.4
10 AM-686%-7.510204.3NNW6.70.280.2
11 AM-585%-7.310194N5.400
12 PM-484%-6.210183.6NNE4.400
1 PM-383%-5.610184NE4.600
2 PM-383%-5.110173.2NE3.800
3 PM-388%-4.610172.5NE3.200
4 PM-391%-4.410172.9NE4.200
5 PM-494%-4.110172.2NNW4.500
6 PM-496%-4.410174W8.300
7 PM-497%-4.610184.3W9.100
8 PM-598%-4.710184W8.300
9 PM-598%-5.510183.6W7.600
10 PM-697%-5.810193.6W7.600
11 PM-686%-8.910193.6W7.600
High: -2ºC / 28ºF   Low: -6ºC / 22ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 8.4 mm / Snow: 2.92 cm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM-392%-2.910075.4NNW10.600
1 AM-293%-2.810075.8NNW10.500
2 AM-394%-2.710085.8NNW10.100
3 AM-397%-310095.8NNW10.400
4 AM-398%-3.210095.8NNW10.500
5 AM-3100%-3.410105.4NNW10.200
6 AM-398%-3.610115.8NNW11.100
7 AM-398%-3.710115NNW9.800
8 AM-397%-3.810115.8NNW11.500
9 AM-395%-3.810125.4NNW9.700
10 AM-393%-3.810126.8N9.900
11 AM-392%-3.810126.5NNE8.400
12 PM-391%-3.810127.2NNE8.800
1 PM-391%-3.910126.5NNE7.700
2 PM-390%-3.910126.8NNE8.400
3 PM-392%-4.410136.8NNE8.60.860.62
4 PM-492%-4.710136.5NNE8.51.290.93
5 PM-493%-510135.4NNE7.81.730
6 PM-591%-5.810145NNE8.11.40
7 PM-591%-6.210155N8.91.240
8 PM-590%-6.710155.8NNW9.91.080.78
9 PM-690%-710165NNW9.40.540.39
10 PM-489%-7.110165.4NNW9.60.270.19
11 PM-591%-3.110065.8NNW1000
High: 0ºC / 32ºF   Low: -2ºC / 28ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM-192%-0.910011.8SSW3.800
1 AM-092%-110002.9W5.900
2 AM-092%-1.110004W8.300
3 AM-092%-1.310004WNW8.300
4 AM-092%-1.510003.2WNW6.500
5 AM-192%-1.610003.2WNW6.500
6 AM-193%-1.910014.3NW6.900
7 AM-194%-2.110014.7NNW7.400
8 AM-194%-2.210014.3N6.900
9 AM-190%-2.510014N600
10 AM-188%-2.610013.6NNW500
11 AM-186%-2.810014.3N5.600
12 PM-083%-2.810015.8N7.100
1 PM081%-2.810016.5N7.900
2 PM-080%-2.810016.5NNE8.200
3 PM-185%-2.810017.9NNE10.300
4 PM-187%-2.810027.6NNE10.100
5 PM-190%-2.810027.9NNE11.300
6 PM-293%-2.810038.3NNE12.300
7 PM-294%-2.810046.8N10.700
8 PM-295%-2.910045.4N900
9 PM-293%-3.110056.1N10.700
10 PM-192%-3.210056.5N11.700
11 PM-293%-0.810016.1N10.400
High: 1ºC / 34ºF   Low: -4ºC / 25ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 22.75 mm / Snow: 5.04 cm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM-497%-4.510165.4N8.40.720
1 AM-496%-4.410163.6NNW6.50.360
2 AM-495%-4.410165.4N9.600
3 AM-496%-4.410156.1N10.500
4 AM-496%-4.510155.4N9.500
5 AM-496%-4.510146.1N10.900
6 AM-496%-4.410137.2N11.600
7 AM-496%-4.410127.9NNE12.300
8 AM-496%-4.410127.2N11.600
9 AM-494%-4.610104.7N7.11.10
10 AM-493%-4.710103.6NNE5.11.660
11 AM-392%-4.910094.7N6.22.210
12 PM-390%-4.210072.9NNE3.72.210
1 PM-290%-3.910063.2NE4.12.210
2 PM-289%-3.610064.3NE5.52.210
3 PM-192%-2.310031.1ESE1.41.10
4 PM-194%-1.610022.5ENE3.40.550
5 PM-096%-110010.7NE1.100
6 PM193%-0.410000.4NNE0.600
7 PM192%-0.110002.2NNW3.800
8 PM190%0.29992.2W4.300
9 PM194%-0.19993.2WNW6.82.792.01
10 PM-296%-0.29991.8SW3.84.183.02
11 PM-198%-4.610173.6W7.61.450
High: -3ºC / 26ºF   Low: -6ºC / 22ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0 mm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM-595%-5.110154SSW8.300
1 AM-596%-5.610162.9S5.200
2 AM-696%-6.210172.2WSW4.500
3 AM-696%-6.210184WSW8.300
4 AM-696%-6.210182.5W5.300
5 AM-696%-6.210193.6W7.600
6 AM-696%-6.110192.9WNW600
7 AM-696%-6.110201.1N200
8 AM-596%-6.110201.8NNW3.600
9 AM-596%-510202.9N5.300
10 AM-496%-4.510204.7NNE6.700
11 AM-496%-410205.4NE6.900
12 PM-496%-3.910205.4NE6.600
1 PM-396%-3.810206.1NE7.500
2 PM-497%-3.810205.8NE7.100
3 PM-497%-4.110205.4NE6.900
4 PM-497%-4.310204.7NNE6.300
5 PM-497%-4.410203.6NNE5.300
6 PM-497%-4.310204NNE600
7 PM-497%-4.210194.7NNE7.200
8 PM-497%-4.210194.7NNE7.600
9 PM-497%-4.210184N700
10 PM-497%-4.310184N7.400
11 PM-494%-410142.9NNW600
High: -2ºC / 29ºF   Low: -6ºC / 21ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 57.59 mm / Snow: 40.18 cm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM-691%-7.510087.9E11.44.153
1 AM-691%-7.310077.6E10.95.74.12
2 AM-692%-710067.2E10.57.255.24
3 AM-592%-6.410057.6E11.17.095.12
4 AM-593%-6.110056.8ENE107.015.06
5 AM-593%-5.810056.5E9.46.935.01
6 AM-593%-5.410064.7E6.85.13.69
7 AM-493%-5.210064.3ESE6.34.193.03
8 AM-493%-510074.7E73.272.37
9 AM-489%-4.910083.2SE5.61.641.18
10 AM-387%-4.810083.6SE5.20.820.59
11 AM-385%-4.810094.3ESE5.400
12 PM-289%-3.910095.8ESE70.560.41
1 PM-291%-3.510105.8E70.840.61
2 PM-292%-3.110105ESE6.41.130
3 PM-293%-2.810116.1ESE7.80.560
4 PM-293%-2.610115ESE70.280
5 PM-293%-2.510124.3ESE8.200
6 PM-295%-2.810131.8SE3.800
7 PM-295%-310141.8SSW3.800
8 PM-296%-3.110151.8SSW3.800
9 PM-296%-310161.1SW2.300
10 PM-596%-310162.9WSW600
11 PM-490%-810102.5SW5.31.060.76
High: -3ºC / 26ºF   Low: -8ºC / 17ºF    Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.3 mm / Snow: 0.08 cm
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºC)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºC)Barometer (mb)Wind Speed (km/h)Wind DirectionWind Gust (km/h)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (mm)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM-792%-8.510166.1SW11.90.030.02
1 AM-791%-8.210165SW9.10.010
2 AM-791%-8.210165SW9.10.010
3 AM-791%-8.510175.4SW9.80.030.02
4 AM-791%-8.410184.7SW8.50.030.02
5 AM-791%-8.210184.3SW7.50.030
6 AM-893%-8.610194.7SW8.80.050
7 AM-892%-8.710204.7SW8.60.020
8 AM-893%-9.510215WSW10.20.010
9 AM-791%-9.710224.7SW9.10.010
10 AM-686%-8.310214SSW5.70.020.02
11 AM-582%-7.510214.3S5.20.010
12 PM-477%-7.210214.3SSE50.010
1 PM-473%-7.310214.7SE5.40.010
2 PM-369%-7.710205SE60.010
3 PM-367%-8.110204.3ESE5.400
4 PM-570%-810204E5.400
5 PM-784%-8.710212.2ENE4.500
6 PM-790%-9.910221.4WSW300
7 PM-789%-9.510222.2SW4.500
8 PM-788%-910211.8NE3.700
9 PM-788%-8.710201.8NE3.400
10 PM-787%-8.410194.3ENE7.600
11 PM-687%-8.110184.7ENE7.800
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