Sausalito Past Weather

Last 30 Days

High: 54ºF / 12ºC   Low: 51ºF / 11ºC    Rain Total: 1.38in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5297%50.6306.5SSE10.10.120
1 AM5297%50.829.988.1SSE11.60.180
2 AM5298%5129.976SSE8.40.230
3 AM5396%51.629.9514.5ESE19.60.230
4 AM5395%51.929.9413.6SE18.20.230
5 AM5394%52.229.935.8SW8.10.230
6 AM5286%48.129.9713.4WNW18.60.110
7 AM5182%4629.9916.3WNW22.70.060
8 AM5178%4430.0116.3WNW22.700
9 AM5278%44.830.0312.1WNW16.900
10 AM5278%45.230.0511.4WNW15.200
11 AM5378%45.630.0613.2WNW17.100
12 PM5377%46.330.0612.3WNW15.700
1 PM5477%46.730.0610.5WNW13.300
2 PM5477%4730.067.2W9.200
3 PM5485%49.330.055.4WSW700
4 PM5489%50.430.053.1SSW4.100
5 PM5393%51.530.043.6SE4.800
6 PM5389%49.730.074.9E6.900
7 PM5387%48.830.086ENE8.400
8 PM5285%47.930.098.7ENE12.100
9 PM5286%47.730.1111.4ENE15.700
10 PM5187%47.530.1211.2ENE15.400
11 PM5197%50.130.0310.3ENE14.300
High: 56ºF / 13ºC   Low: 47ºF / 8ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5048%31.130.416.9NE12.300
1 AM5047%30.330.416.9NE12.200
2 AM4947%29.430.417.6NE13.400
3 AM4848%29.630.417.8NE13.800
4 AM4849%29.630.47.4NE13.200
5 AM4750%29.730.47.6NE13.400
6 AM4752%30.430.397.2NE12.600
7 AM4753%30.730.387.2NE12.700
8 AM4854%3130.386.5NE11.500
9 AM4952%32.230.387.6NE1300
10 AM5051%32.730.377.8NE12.600
11 AM5151%33.330.377.4NE10.600
12 PM5341%29.630.317.2NE9.800
1 PM5439%29.730.296.5NE8.800
2 PM5538%30.330.256.5NE900
3 PM5639%
4 PM5542%33.630.226NNE9.300
5 PM5543%33.530.215.4N9.400
6 PM5544%
7 PM5445%33.330.214.5N8.800
8 PM5445%
9 PM5446%33.430.23.6NNE7.200
10 PM5246%
11 PM5250%32.830.44.9NNE9.800
High: 56ºF / 13ºC   Low: 44ºF / 7ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5046%
1 AM4947%2930.318.1ENE14.200
2 AM4748%2930.3111.4ENE1900
3 AM4749%28.130.3211.9ENE19.800
4 AM4649%27.730.3311.9NE19.700
5 AM4549%27.230.3311.2NE18.400
6 AM4549%26.430.3610.5NE17.200
7 AM4449%2630.3710.1NE16.500
8 AM4649%25.630.3810.1ENE16.400
9 AM4847%28.330.419.4ENE14.700
10 AM4946%29.730.429.6ENE13.600
11 AM5146%31.130.439.6ENE12.500
12 PM5244%31.830.428.5ENE10.800
1 PM5344%32.130.417.8NE1000
2 PM5443%32.430.417.2NE9.500
3 PM5545%34.730.46.7NE9.400
4 PM5647%35.930.46.7NE9.800
5 PM5548%3730.396.9NE11.300
6 PM5450%
7 PM5351%35.830.46.5NNE11.900
8 PM5352%35.330.46.5NNE1200
9 PM5251%
10 PM5150%33.430.46.7NE12.300
11 PM5143%
High: 58ºF / 15ºC   Low: 44ºF / 7ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM4897%45.930.173.4NNE6.900
1 AM4797%45.630.174.3NNE8.700
2 AM4697%45.330.174NNE8.200
3 AM4597%44.330.185.1NE10.400
4 AM4597%43.730.185.4NE10.900
5 AM4497%
6 AM4491%41.430.195.8NE11.500
7 AM4487%40.430.26.3NE11.900
8 AM4584%39.530.26.7ENE12.200
9 AM4668%35.430.227.2ENE12.300
10 AM4760%33.430.237.4ENE11.200
11 AM4953%31.430.248.1ENE1100
12 PM5246%31.530.248.3ENE11.500
1 PM5443%31.630.248.5NE12.200
2 PM5640%31.630.238.1NE12.200
3 PM5741%34.330.236.9NNE11.500
4 PM5842%35.730.236.5NNE11.400
5 PM5743%3730.235.4NNE10.500
6 PM5642%3430.245.1NE10.700
7 PM5542%32.630.244.9NE10.100
8 PM5442%
9 PM5243%30.330.264.7NE9.100
10 PM5043%29.930.276NE11.500
11 PM5097%46.530.176.7NE12.600
High: 52ºF / 11ºC   Low: 49ºF / 9ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5297%50.530.171.6NW2.900
1 AM5197%50.430.173.1NNW5.700
2 AM5197%
3 AM5197%49.630.182.7N4.800
4 AM5097%49.430.183.6N6.400
5 AM5097%
6 AM4997%48.430.195.4NNE9.800
7 AM4997%
8 AM4997%47.830.25.6NNE10.300
9 AM4997%47.730.224.9NNE8.800
10 AM4997%47.730.224.3NNE700
11 AM4997%47.730.234NNE6.100
12 PM5096%48.530.213.6N5.200
1 PM5096%48.930.22.7N3.900
2 PM5195%49.230.192NW300
3 PM5292%49.730.172W3.100
4 PM5291%49.930.161.1WSW1.800
5 PM5290%
6 PM5192%
7 PM5192%48.830.171.8W3.600
8 PM5093%48.430.172.2WNW4.500
9 PM5096%
10 PM5197%
11 PM4997%50.930.172.9NNE600
High: 54ºF / 12ºC   Low: 47ºF / 9ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM4997%4730.183.8NNE800
1 AM4897%46.930.183.8NNE800
2 AM4897%46.830.184.7NE9.900
3 AM4897%46.630.174.7NE9.900
4 AM4797%46.530.175.1NNE10.700
5 AM4797%46.430.175.8NNE11.800
6 AM4797%46.630.195.8NNE11.700
7 AM4797%46.730.195.8NNE11.500
8 AM4897%46.830.25.6NE1100
9 AM4897%4730.215.4NE10.100
10 AM4897%
11 AM4897%
12 PM4996%47.930.214.9NNE7.300
1 PM4996%48.330.24.9NNE7.400
2 PM5096%48.730.24NNE6.200
3 PM5196%49.830.184N6.400
4 PM5296%50.330.173.4NNE5.600
5 PM5295%50.930.173.1NNW5.700
6 PM5397%5230.164.5WNW8.600
7 PM5397%52.530.165.6WNW10.500
8 PM5398%5330.162.9WNW5.700
9 PM5498%
10 PM5198%
11 PM5297%
High: 50ºF / 10ºC   Low: 48ºF / 9ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM4997%47.930.231.6ENE3.300
1 AM4997%47.730.231.3ENE2.800
2 AM4897%47.530.231.8N3.700
3 AM4897%47.330.232.5NNE500
4 AM4897%
5 AM4897%
6 AM4897%46.930.232N4.100
7 AM4897%46.730.234NNW7.900
8 AM4897%46.630.244N800
9 AM4897%4730.243.1NNE600
10 AM4897%
11 AM4897%47.430.254.9NE7.400
12 PM4997%47.930.234NE600
1 PM4997%48.230.214NE6.100
2 PM4997%48.430.23.6N5.600
3 PM5097%48.930.183.8NNE6.200
4 PM5097%
5 PM5097%49.330.164.3WNW8.400
6 PM5097%
7 PM5097%4930.164.3WNW8.900
8 PM5097%48.930.162.5WNW5.200
9 PM5097%48.830.162.7WNW5.600
10 PM4997%48.730.171.1NNW2.300
11 PM4997%48.430.231.3NNW2.800
High: 50ºF / 10ºC   Low: 46ºF / 8ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM4897%46.330.243.8WNW7.800
1 AM4797%45.930.231.8NE3.700
2 AM4797%45.430.232.9W5.700
3 AM4697%45.330.230.9WNW1.700
4 AM4697%45.230.232NNW3.800
5 AM4697%
6 AM4697%44.930.242.9NNE5.600
7 AM4697%44.830.252.7N5.100
8 AM4697%44.730.252.9NNW5.400
9 AM4697%45.430.264.9NW8.500
10 AM4797%45.830.262.7N4.300
11 AM4797%
12 PM4897%
1 PM4897%47.630.242.5NE3.500
2 PM4997%4830.243.4NNW500
3 PM4997%48.630.224WNW6.200
4 PM5097%48.930.224.9WNW7.900
5 PM5097%
6 PM5097%4930.223.6W7.400
7 PM5097%48.930.224.7W9.900
8 PM5097%48.730.222.5W5.200
9 PM5097%48.830.222.7WNW5.600
10 PM4997%48.930.220.4W0.900
11 PM4997%47.230.242W4.200
High: 52ºF / 11ºC   Low: 45ºF / 7ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5094%47.430.163.6N7.500
1 AM4896%46.630.163.6N7.500
2 AM4797%45.830.164NNE8.500
3 AM4797%45.330.174.3NNE8.900
4 AM4697%4530.174.7NE9.900
5 AM4597%44.830.175.4NE11.300
6 AM4597%4430.185.1NE10.700
7 AM4597%43.730.194.9NE10.200
8 AM4597%43.330.195.1NNE10.500
9 AM4597%44.230.216NE11.700
10 AM4697%44.630.225.8NNE9.800
11 AM4797%4530.235.1NNE7.900
12 PM4895%46.930.215.8NE8.800
1 PM4995%47.830.25.6NE8.500
2 PM5094%48.730.195.1NE8.300
3 PM5191%
4 PM5290%
5 PM5189%49.430.165.4NW10.400
6 PM5192%48.630.184.5NW9.400
7 PM5093%
8 PM4995%47.730.24.3WNW8.900
9 PM4996%47.530.223.8WNW800
10 PM5097%47.430.224.3WNW8.800
11 PM4992%
High: 51ºF / 11ºC   Low: 45ºF / 7ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM4995%4630.134.3NNE8.900
1 AM4796%45.630.134.3NNE8.900
2 AM4697%45.330.134NNE8.500
3 AM4697%44.830.134.5NE9.400
4 AM4697%44.630.134.9NE10.300
5 AM4597%44.430.134.9NE10.300
6 AM4597%44.430.135.4NE11.200
7 AM4597%44.430.135.8NE1200
8 AM4597%44.430.145.8NE11.900
9 AM4597%44.730.155.8NE11.200
10 AM4697%44.830.155.6NE9.300
11 AM4697%44.930.165.8NE8.900
12 PM4796%46.230.146NE9.100
1 PM4895%46.830.136.3NE9.500
2 PM4995%47.430.136NNE9.500
3 PM5091%
4 PM5189%48.530.115.4NNE9.700
5 PM5188%48.830.114.7NNE9.300
6 PM5189%4830.134.5NNW9.400
7 PM5090%47.630.144.7NNW9.900
8 PM5090%
9 PM4994%
10 PM4995%4730.164.9N10.300
11 PM4894%46.830.134.9N10.300
High: 55ºF / 13ºC   Low: 49ºF / 9ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5568%44.430.164.7NNE9.700
1 AM5569%44.530.164.7NNE9.500
2 AM5470%44.630.164NNE8.100
3 AM5377%4630.165.1NNE10.300
4 AM5380%46.730.165.1NE10.100
5 AM5283%47.430.164.9NE9.600
6 AM5189%47.630.175.4NE10.500
7 AM5092%47.730.184.9NE9.500
8 AM4995%47.830.185.1NE9.900
9 AM4995%47.530.195.4NE1000
10 AM4995%47.330.195.1NE8.600
11 AM4995%
12 PM5094%4830.184.7NNE6.800
1 PM5093%48.430.184.9NNE7.200
2 PM5193%48.930.175.4NNE8.200
3 PM5193%49.330.165.1NNE8.200
4 PM5293%49.530.154.9N8.300
5 PM5193%49.730.154.5N8.500
6 PM5194%48.930.153.8N800
7 PM5095%48.530.153.8NNW800
8 PM4996%
9 PM4996%47.530.164.5NNW9.400
10 PM5296%
11 PM4965%
High: 64ºF / 18ºC   Low: 52ºF / 11ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5462%41.530.134.9NE9.100
1 AM5462%
2 AM5462%40.930.136.5NNE11.900
3 AM5361%39.930.137.4NNE13.500
4 AM5360%39.430.138.1NNE14.400
5 AM5360%38.930.137.4NE13.200
6 AM5261%3930.157.6NE13.300
7 AM5261%3930.158.5NE14.600
8 AM5262%3930.169.8NE16.200
9 AM5361%39.630.168.5NE13.800
10 AM5360%39.830.177.6NE11.700
11 AM5559%
12 PM5657%41.530.157.4NE10.500
1 PM5856%
2 PM6055%42.930.147.2NE10.400
3 PM6253%4530.136.9NE10.500
4 PM6452%4630.136.9NNE1100
5 PM6351%4730.126.5NNE11.400
6 PM6253%44.930.126.3NNE1200
7 PM6054%43.830.135.6NNE1100
8 PM5955%42.830.136NNE11.900
9 PM5858%
10 PM5759%43.330.135.8NNE11.400
11 PM5662%
High: 57ºF / 14ºC   Low: 49ºF / 9ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5267%41.930.136.7NNE11.900
1 AM5268%41.830.137.2NE12.700
2 AM5169%41.730.147.2NE12.800
3 AM5170%4130.137.4NE12.900
4 AM5070%40.730.137.4NE12.800
5 AM5070%40.430.137.6NE13.200
6 AM4972%40.330.138.1NE13.900
7 AM4973%
8 AM4973%
9 AM5071%4130.148.5NE13.800
10 AM5170%41.430.158.9NE1300
11 AM5270%41.830.159.2NE12.200
12 PM5464%
1 PM5561%
2 PM5659%42.330.137.4NE9.900
3 PM5761%43.630.127.2NE10.200
4 PM5762%
5 PM5763%44.930.116.5NE10.800
6 PM5763%44.430.126.5NNE11.500
7 PM5664%
8 PM5664%43.930.136.3NE11.500
9 PM5564%43.430.146NE11.100
10 PM5565%
11 PM5465%42.230.126NE11.100
High: 61ºF / 16ºC   Low: 46ºF / 8ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5068%
1 AM5069%4030.168.7NE14.500
2 AM4971%4030.177.4NE12.300
3 AM4872%39.430.167.2NE12.100
4 AM4873%
5 AM4773%38.930.167.8NE13.200
6 AM4774%38.630.169.2NE15.300
7 AM4675%38.530.168.9NE14.900
8 AM4775%38.330.178.5NE14.100
9 AM4872%39.430.178.3NE13.100
10 AM4971%4030.187.8ENE11.200
11 AM5269%40.630.187.8NE10.300
12 PM5561%41.830.168.7NE11.300
1 PM5757%42.430.158.7NE11.300
2 PM5953%4330.137.8NE10.600
3 PM6057%45.630.126.5NE9.200
4 PM6159%46.830.116.3NE9.300
5 PM5961%
6 PM5864%45.830.115.4NE9.600
7 PM5666%44.730.125.8NNE10.600
8 PM5467%43.630.126.5NNE11.900
9 PM5370%43.430.136.7NNE12.300
10 PM5272%43.430.136.7NNE12.300
11 PM5165%
High: 55ºF / 13ºC   Low: 44ºF / 7ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5185%46.630.25.4NNE9.500
1 AM5087%46.730.26NNE10.600
2 AM4989%46.930.216NE10.600
3 AM4990%45.730.216NE10.400
4 AM4891%
5 AM4791%44.630.26.7NE11.200
6 AM4586%41.330.217.2NE11.900
7 AM4484%39.630.227.6NE12.500
8 AM4482%37.930.227.6NE12.500
9 AM4576%37.430.237.6NE11.800
10 AM4673%
11 AM4870%36.930.247.6NE9.800
12 PM5060%36.830.227.8NE1000
1 PM5256%36.730.219.4NE11.900
2 PM5451%36.630.29.2NNE11.800
3 PM5451%37.530.188.3NE1100
4 PM5552%37.930.187.8NE10.800
5 PM5552%38.330.177.8NE11.700
6 PM5454%3830.188.3NE13.300
7 PM5355%37.830.186.9NE11.500
8 PM5356%37.630.196NNE10.300
9 PM5258%37.530.196NE10.300
10 PM5259%37.430.195.6NE9.500
11 PM5081%46.330.197.4NE12.600
High: 58ºF / 14ºC   Low: 46ºF / 8ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5085%4630.155.1N8.900
1 AM4984%4530.156N10.400
2 AM4984%4430.156.5N11.100
3 AM4883%42.630.156.3NNE10.700
4 AM4782%41.930.156.7NNE11.300
5 AM4682%
6 AM4679%39.830.156NNE10.100
7 AM4678%
8 AM4677%38.530.165.8NNE9.700
9 AM4772%38.330.175.8NNE9.200
10 AM4869%
11 AM5066%3830.184.9NNE6.400
12 PM5261%38.830.165.1NE6.600
1 PM5358%
2 PM5556%39.530.144NNE5.400
3 PM5756%41.430.133.8NNE5.300
4 PM5856%42.430.122.5N3.600
5 PM5755%43.330.111.8WNW2.900
6 PM5655%
7 PM5454%38.530.144.3WNW7.600
8 PM5354%36.930.144.7NW8.400
9 PM5255%
10 PM5256%35.930.163.6N6.400
11 PM5185%
High: 54ºF / 12ºC   Low: 52ºF / 11ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5396%51.730.041.3NNE1.900
1 AM5395%
2 AM5294%50.730.061.3NNW1.900
3 AM5296%50.730.072.7N3.900
4 AM5297%50.730.071.3N1.900
5 AM5298%50.830.081.1NE1.600
6 AM5298%5130.10.2ENE0.300
7 AM5298%
8 AM5298%51.330.122.2WNW3.500
9 AM5295%50.830.141.1SW1.700
10 AM5294%50.530.153.6SSW5.100
11 AM5392%
12 PM5387%49.330.165.1S7.100
1 PM5484%48.830.165.4SSW7.400
2 PM5481%48.430.164.9SW6.700
3 PM5480%
4 PM5479%
5 PM5479%
6 PM5480%47.730.171.8SW2.600
7 PM5380%47.530.183.1W4.500
8 PM5381%47.330.182.7WNW3.900
9 PM5381%46.830.192W300
10 PM5381%46.630.22.2WNW3.400
11 PM5298%52.830.031.1NNW1.700
High: 54ºF / 12ºC   Low: 51ºF / 10ºC    Rain Total: 0.82in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5384%
1 AM5384%4830.065.6SE9.900
2 AM5284%47.930.055.4SSE9.400
3 AM5290%48.730.045.8SE10.20.030
4 AM5193%
5 AM5196%49.630.044.5ESE7.70.070
6 AM5195%49.430.024.7ESE80.080
7 AM5195%49.430.024.7ESE7.80.080
8 AM5195%49.330.012.9SSE4.80.090
9 AM5193%4930.010.4S0.70.080
10 AM5193%48.830.012ENE30.080
11 AM5192%48.6303.4ENE4.80.070
12 PM5294%50.329.995.4ENE7.40.060
1 PM5395%51.129.986.5E8.80.050
2 PM5396%5229.978.1ENE10.80.050
3 PM5496%52.629.998.5NE11.30.020
4 PM5496%52.9306.7NE90.010
5 PM5496%
6 PM5495%
7 PM5394%51.630.064.5ENE6.300
8 PM5393%5130.084.9SE7.100
9 PM5295%5130.19.2SSE13.500
10 PM5396%5130.1211S16.300
11 PM5285%48.530.0711.9SSW17.700
High: 54ºF / 12ºC   Low: 49ºF / 10ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5185%46.8304.5SSW7.200
1 AM5186%46.8304.3SSW6.800
2 AM5087%46.8303.8SSW6.200
3 AM5091%47.1303.6S5.800
4 AM4993%47.2304SSE6.500
5 AM4995%47.429.994.3SE6.900
6 AM4994%47.529.994.7SE7.700
7 AM4994%47.6305.8SE9.500
8 AM5093%47.6306.3SE10.200
9 AM5090%47.730.016.7SE10.300
10 AM5188%47.730.027.4SE1000
11 AM5287%47.730.027.4SE9.800
12 PM5285%4830.026.7SSE8.900
1 PM5385%
2 PM5384%48.330.027.4S10.300
3 PM5385%
4 PM5486%49.530.019.2SSW13.200
5 PM5386%49.930.018.7SSW1300
6 PM5391%5030.037.2SSW11.400
7 PM5293%
8 PM5295%
9 PM5196%49.730.064.5S7.700
10 PM5197%49.530.074.3S7.500
11 PM5184%46.9304.7S8.300
High: 55ºF / 13ºC   Low: 52ºF / 11ºC    Rain Total: 0.53in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5594%53.229.869.4SW13.80.110
1 AM5493%52.329.879.6SW14.50.110
2 AM5491%51.529.889.2SSW14.10.120
3 AM5393%51.229.899.8SW15.80.060
4 AM5393%5129.910.5WSW16.50.030
5 AM5394%50.829.919.6WSW14.900
6 AM5395%5129.927.4WSW11.800
7 AM5395%51.229.935.4WSW8.700
8 AM5396%51.329.944.5WSW7.500
9 AM5395%51.429.973.8SW5.800
10 AM5395%51.529.984SW5.700
11 AM5395%51.629.994.9SSW6.700
12 PM5392%50.729.995.6SSW7.500
1 PM5390%50.329.995.8SW7.700
2 PM5388%49.929.996.3SW8.300
3 PM5385%48.829.996.9SW9.300
4 PM5384%48.229.998.3WSW11.300
5 PM5382%47.729.997.8WSW1100
6 PM5380%46.5307.2WSW1100
7 PM5279%45.9306.3WSW9.600
8 PM5278%45.330.015.8WSW900
9 PM5278%
10 PM5478%4530.014.5SW7.100
11 PM5297%54.829.844.7SW7.50.110
High: 57ºF / 14ºC   Low: 55ºF / 13ºC    Rain Total: 3.33in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5793%54.630.0417.7S29.400
1 AM5793%54.430.0319.9S32.500
2 AM5792%54.330.0221.9S34.900
3 AM5693%54.230.0223.5S36.800
4 AM5693%54.230.0122.6S35.100
5 AM5694%54.230.0121.3S32.800
6 AM5692%543021.3S33.200
7 AM5691%53.93021.9S34.500
8 AM5691%53.83020.6S3300
9 AM5693%54.23021S33.20.080
10 AM5694%54.430.0118.6S29.20.110
11 AM5695%54.630.0117.2S27.30.150
12 PM5696%54.729.9915.4S24.40.210
1 PM5697%54.729.9817.4S27.20.230
2 PM5697%54.829.9720.1S31.10.260
3 PM5697%54.929.9518.8S28.80.250
4 PM5697%5529.9417.2S26.20.250
5 PM5697%5529.9216.6SSW25.50.240
6 PM5697%54.629.9217.7SSW27.30.290
7 PM5597%54.329.9216.1SSW24.80.310
8 PM5597%54.129.9313.4SSW20.90.330
9 PM5597%5429.9410.5SW16.20.310
10 PM5697%53.929.948.7SW13.40.30
11 PM5593%54.830.0511SW17.700
High: 59ºF / 15ºC   Low: 54ºF / 12ºC    Rain Total: 2.07in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5495%5230.0819.5S29.20.460
1 AM5494%51.830.0718.6S28.20.420
2 AM5492%51.630.0718.1S27.80.380
3 AM5491%51.530.0719.9S30.40.190
4 AM5491%51.430.0719.9S30.40.090
5 AM5490%51.330.0719.5S29.900
6 AM5489%51.130.0819S29.400
7 AM5489%5130.0919.2S29.900
8 AM5589%50.830.0919.2S29.700
9 AM5588%51.430.119.5S30.600
10 AM5587%51.630.1119.9S31.300
11 AM5687%51.930.1118.8S29.400
12 PM5786%52.830.0918.6S28.500
1 PM5886%53.230.0918.3S28.500
2 PM5885%53.730.0818.8S29.500
3 PM5885%53.930.0719.5S3000
4 PM5985%5430.0618.8S29.900
5 PM5884%54.130.0518.3S29.700
6 PM5885%53.330.0618.1S29.700
7 PM5785%52.930.0717.2S28.500
8 PM5785%52.630.0716.8S2800
9 PM5787%52.930.0717.7S29.100
10 PM5588%5330.0718.6S30.400
11 PM5697%52.430.0819.7S320.530
High: 54ºF / 12ºC   Low: 51ºF / 11ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5278%44.930.0411.6SSE18.300
1 AM5280%45.630.0513.6SSE2100
2 AM5282%46.330.0514.3SSE21.600
3 AM5183%46.530.0416.1SSE2400
4 AM5184%46.630.0416.1SSE2400
5 AM5184%46.730.0415.9SSE2400
6 AM5284%46.830.0416.8SSE25.100
7 AM5284%46.930.0518.6SSE27.300
8 AM5283%46.930.0519.5SSE28.600
9 AM5282%4730.0721.3S30.800
10 AM5382%4730.0724.2S34.900
11 AM5381%4730.0826.4S37.700
12 PM5382%47.730.0726.8S3800
1 PM5382%4830.0725.3S36.300
2 PM5482%48.430.0725.1S36.300
3 PM5483%48.930.0623.3S33.800
4 PM5483%49.230.0621.3S3100
5 PM5483%49.530.0620.6S29.700
6 PM5485%49.330.0719.5S2900
7 PM5485%49.330.0818.8S28.400
8 PM5486%49.230.0919.9S3000
9 PM5485%
10 PM5384%4930.1119.5S30.200
11 PM5373%43.630.0416.8S26.300
High: 55ºF / 13ºC   Low: 46ºF / 8ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM4869%3830.178.5NNW12.700
1 AM4771%37.930.176.7NNW10.400
2 AM4771%37.730.176NNW9.600
3 AM4671%
4 AM4670%36.930.174.3NNW700
5 AM4669%36.630.163.8N6.200
6 AM4669%
7 AM4668%3630.164.5N7.300
8 AM4669%35.830.174.5NNE7.300
9 AM4765%35.530.173.8NE5.700
10 AM4960%
11 AM5055%34.430.174ENE5.100
12 PM5150%33.730.164.7ENE5.700
1 PM5346%32.630.145.4ENE6.600
2 PM5442%31.330.123.1E3.900
3 PM5441%31.330.13.1E4.100
4 PM5541%31.830.11.3ENE1.800
5 PM5443%3330.091.3NNE1.900
6 PM5445%
7 PM5445%
8 PM5446%33.630.11.1E1.700
9 PM5446%33.730.10.2SSE0.400
10 PM5448%
11 PM5349%34.530.12.9SSE4.600
High: 55ºF / 13ºC   Low: 49ºF / 10ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5595%53.730.0410.1WNW14.600
1 AM5594%53.430.0413.6NW19.300
2 AM5493%53.130.0411.2NW16.600
3 AM5382%47.530.0610.1WNW15.600
4 AM5276%44.630.0810.7WNW16.700
5 AM5170%41.830.0911NW16.900
6 AM5073%41.430.1111.4NW17.600
7 AM4974%41.130.1213.6NW2100
8 AM5075%40.930.1413.6NW21.400
9 AM5170%4130.1615NW21.400
10 AM5267%41.130.1715.4NW20.100
11 AM5365%41.130.1714.8NW18.700
12 PM5449%36.130.1714.1NW17.700
1 PM5550%36.930.1514.3NW18.100
2 PM5552%38.130.1414.5WNW18.600
3 PM5553%38.630.1315.7WNW20.100
4 PM5554%38.730.1215.2WNW20.100
5 PM5457%39.630.1315.4WNW20.800
6 PM5262%4030.1414.8WNW21.500
7 PM5266%40.230.1614.1WNW21.900
8 PM5166%39.830.1612.8WNW19.900
9 PM5066%39.330.1613.2WNW20.300
10 PM5367%38.730.1613NW19.800
11 PM5098%54.230.0410.3NW15.500
High: 55ºF / 13ºC   Low: 52ºF / 11ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5271%43.530.12SSE300
1 AM5273%43.930.093.4SSE4.900
2 AM5275%44.330.093.1SSE4.800
3 AM5277%44.730.092.9SSE4.600
4 AM5277%4530.093.4SE5.300
5 AM5278%
6 AM5281%
7 AM5282%46.630.093.4ESE500
8 AM5283%
9 AM5383%47.530.093.1ESE4.500
10 AM5383%47.730.093.8ESE5.100
11 AM5383%47.930.093.1ESE4.100
12 PM5382%48.330.072.5SE3.200
1 PM5482%48.430.062.2SSW2.900
2 PM5482%48.630.052.9SW400
3 PM5485%49.630.044.3SW5.900
4 PM5486%
5 PM5487%50.630.026SW8.600
6 PM5491%51.630.026.5SW9.400
7 PM5493%
8 PM5494%52.730.026.3SW9.700
9 PM5596%53.530.036.3SSW9.500
10 PM5497%53.830.036.7SW1000
11 PM5468%42.730.18.3SSW12.400
High: 58ºF / 15ºC   Low: 46ºF / 8ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5064%
1 AM5062%
2 AM4961%36.230.086NW10.400
3 AM4960%
4 AM4860%34.730.086.3NNW10.700
5 AM4759%
6 AM4759%
7 AM4658%32.630.112.9NNW4.900
8 AM4858%
9 AM4955%33.530.132.2NNE3.400
10 AM5153%
11 AM5352%34.930.152NNE2.500
12 PM5449%35.430.141.3NNE1.600
1 PM5547%35.730.131.1N1.400
2 PM5646%35.930.121.1WSW1.400
3 PM5748%37.930.113.6WSW4.700
4 PM5848%38.930.14.7WSW6.100
5 PM5749%39.930.096WSW8.300
6 PM5653%3930.16.7WSW10.700
7 PM5456%38.630.115.8W9.500
8 PM5358%
9 PM5263%39.630.124.3W700
10 PM5165%40.330.133.1WNW5.200
11 PM5168%39.930.052.5WNW4.100
High: 54ºF / 12ºC   Low: 49ºF / 9ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5185%46.329.9211.9WNW1800
1 AM5085%45.929.9212.8WNW18.800
2 AM5085%45.629.9112.8WNW1900
3 AM5084%4529.9113NW19.600
4 AM4984%44.729.9112.5NW19.200
5 AM4984%44.429.9111.6NW17.900
6 AM4983%4429.9211.2NW17.200
7 AM4983%43.729.9311NW16.800
8 AM4982%43.529.9411.6NW17.600
9 AM4979%43.229.969.8NW13.600
10 AM5078%4329.989.6NW12.200
11 AM5177%42.929.9910.3NW12.700
12 PM5272%43308.9NW10.800
1 PM5270%43306.7NNW8.200
2 PM5368%43304.7NNW5.800
3 PM5366%42.7304NNW500
4 PM5466%42.5302.9NNW3.800
5 PM5365%42.4302.9WNW3.900
6 PM5365%41.730.025.1WNW7.900
7 PM5266%41.430.046.5WNW1000
8 PM5266%4130.056.7WNW10.700
9 PM5169%4130.076.9NW11.400
10 PM5170%4130.096.9NW11.600
11 PM5085%46.929.936.9NW11.500
High: 56ºF / 14ºC   Low: 51ºF / 11ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5494%52.330.094.3SW7.400
1 AM5494%52.330.083.8SW6.600
2 AM5494%
3 AM5495%52.530.072.2WSW3.900
4 AM5495%52.630.062WSW3.400
5 AM5496%52.730.052.2WSW3.800
6 AM5496%52.830.052WSW3.500
7 AM5496%52.830.052WSW3.400
8 AM5497%52.930.042WNW3.400
9 AM5493%52.530.051.6WNW2.400
10 AM5592%52.430.060.7W0.900
11 AM5590%
12 PM5589%
1 PM5589%5230.033.8W500
2 PM5688%5230.025.1W6.900
3 PM5684%51.1306.7W9.200
4 PM5681%50.729.998.5W11.900
5 PM5579%50.329.988.7W12.600
6 PM5480%48.629.988.7W13.600
7 PM5381%47.829.988.7WNW13.500
8 PM5282%46.929.987.8WNW12.100
9 PM5283%46.629.988.9W13.800
10 PM5384%46.429.989.4WNW14.400
11 PM5193%52.330.099.6WNW14.800
High: 54ºF / 12ºC   Low: 48ºF / 9ºC    Rain Total: 0.38in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (cm)
12 AM5289%4930.182.5WSW400
1 AM5290%49.130.172SW3.300
2 AM5192%49.330.161.6SW2.600
3 AM5095%48.930.141.3S2.200
4 AM5096%48.630.131.6WSW2.600
5 AM4998%48.430.132WNW3.300
6 AM4997%47.730.121.1NW1.900
7 AM4897%47.330.121.8ESE300
8 AM4897%46.930.126.5SE10.500
9 AM4897%
10 AM4897%47.330.126.9S9.400
11 AM4997%47.530.128.3S1100
12 PM5096%4930.0912.1S1600
1 PM5195%49.730.0814.5S19.800
2 PM5294%50.530.0613S18.300
3 PM5294%50.930.0413.2S190.030
4 PM5394%51.130.0314.3S20.70.050
5 PM5393%51.430.0114.1SSW20.60.070
6 PM5394%51.930.0316.1SSW23.40.060
7 PM5495%52.130.0513.4SSW19.80.060
8 PM5496%52.430.0610.3SSW15.40.060
9 PM5496%52.830.077.4SSW11.70.030
10 PM5496%
11 PM5485%48.730.24SSW6.800
Past Weather Disclaimer Note regarding "Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total"


Light Rain 59°F
29.98 inHg.
S 36 mph
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