Rocky Point, NC Weather

Weather Today for Tue Feb 18th 2025

As of 8:53 PM EST TUE FEB 18 2025


Feels Like 38°F

Rocky Point, NC  weather condition is Clear and 40°F.


Rocky Point, NC Weather Today

The current weather in Rocky Point NC, as of 8:53 PM EST TUE FEB 18 2025, has a sky condition of Clear with the visibility of 10 mile(s). It is 40 degrees fahrenheit but feels like 38 degrees fahrenheit. The barometric pressure is 30.26 - measured by inch of mercury units - and is since its last observation. The humidity is 76 percent with a dew point of 33.1 degrees fahrenheit that is since the last report. Wind direction is from the NorthNorthEast at 3 miles per hour, gusting at 5 mph. Sunrise is at 6:53 AM and Sunset is at 5:56 PM. The moon phase is a Last Quarter Moon. The forecast for Today is numerous showers this morning...then partly cloudy with scattered showers this afternoon. highs in the upper 60s. west winds 5 to 10 mph...becoming north with gusts up to 20 mph this afternoon. chance of rain 70 percent. Tomorrow's weather for Thursday has an expected forecast of Sunny. Highs around 70. North winds 5 to 10 mph. Thank you for listening to the AI weather report from!

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  • Barometer: 30.26 inHg.
  • Humidity: 76%
  • Wind: from NNE. 3mph
  • Wind Gust: 5mph
  • Wind Chill: 38°F
  • Dew Point: 33°F
  • Visibility: 10 mile(s)
  • Sunrise: 6:53 AM
  • Sunset: 5:56 PM
  • Moon Phase: Last Quarter Moon

5-Day Weather Summary

Dated: 626 AM EDT WED MAY 04 2011
High: 69°F
Low: 45°F

Chance Of Showers

Numerous showers this morning...Then partly cloudy with scattered showers this afternoon. Highs in the upper 60s. West winds 5 to 10 mph...Becoming north with gusts up to 20 mph this afternoon. Chance of rain 70 percent.

High: 70°F
Low: 45°F


Sunny. Highs around 70. North winds 5 to 10 mph.

High: 75°F
Low: 55°F

Chance Of Showers

Mostly sunny in the morning...Then partly cloudy with a slight chance of showers in the afternoon. Highs in the mid 70s. Southwest winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 20 percent.

High: 80°F
Low: 55°F

Partly Cloudy

Partly cloudy. Lows in the mid 50s. Highs around 80.

High: 80°F
Low: 55°F

Partly Cloudy

Partly cloudy. Lows in the mid 50s. Highs around 80.

Temperatures Today

The following chart reports what the hourly Rocky Point, NC temperature has been today, from to . .

This weather report is valid in zipcode 28457.