Montier Weather Trend Charts

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Rest of Today Sunny. Not as cool with highs in the mid 30s. South winds 5 to 10 mph with gusts up to 25 mph.
Tonight Mostly clear in the evening, then becoming partly cloudy. Not as cold with lows in the lower 20s. Southwest winds around 5 mph, becoming west after midnight.

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Montier barometric pressure today from on until .

The following chart outlines hourly Montier barometric pressure today (). .

Montier temperatures for today from to .

The following chart reports hourly Montier temperature today (). .

Montier rain amount today from on until .

The following chart reports hourly Montier precipitation today (). .

Montier humidity today from on until .

The following chart shows hourly Montier humidity today (). The lowest humidity reading has been , while the highest recorded humidity is .

Montier wind speeds today from on until .

The following chart displays hourly Montier wind speed today (). .

Montier wind gusts today from on until .

The following chart provides hourly Montier wind gusts today (). .

Montier dew points today from on until .

The following chart displays hourly Montier dew points today (). The lowest dew point reading has been , while the highest dew point is .

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Fair 19°F
South 10.4mph

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