New Orleans Weather Trend Charts
Sun, Nov 3rd 2024
NOTE: Use your mouse to hover over the dots to see more data - or press if using a touch screen.
The following chart outlines hourly New Orleans barometric pressure today (Sun, Nov 3rd 2024). The lowest barometric pressure reading has been 30.01 inHg at 4:10 AM, while the highest recorded barometric pressure is 30.06 inHg at 12:00 AM.
The following chart reports hourly New Orleans temperature today (Sun, Nov 3rd 2024). The lowest temperature reading has been 75.02 degrees fahrenheit at 1:53 AM, while the highest temperature is 84.92 degrees fahrenheit at 11:53 AM.
The following chart reports hourly New Orleans precipitation today (Sun, Nov 3rd 2024). No recorded precipitation so far.
The following chart shows hourly New Orleans humidity today (Sun, Nov 3rd 2024). The lowest humidity reading has been 62.13 percent at 10:45 AM, while the highest recorded humidity is 88.62 percent at 12:00 AM.
The following chart displays hourly New Orleans wind speed today (Sun, Nov 3rd 2024). The lowest wind speed reading has been 4mph at 1:50 AM, while the highest observed wind speed is 15mph at 10:05 AM.
The following chart provides hourly New Orleans wind gusts today (Sun, Nov 3rd 2024). The lowest wind gust reading has been 16mph at 7:53 AM, while the highest observed wind gust is 21mph at 9:53 AM.
The following chart displays hourly New Orleans dew points today (Sun, Nov 3rd 2024). The lowest dew point reading has been 69.08 degrees fahrenheit at 10:53 AM, while the highest dew point is 71.96 degrees fahrenheit at 7:53 AM.
Weather Chart Disclaimer and Conditions of Use
This past weather information is provided AS IS and strictly for recreational, educational, and informational purposes only; we disclaim liability of any kind whatsoever, including, without limitation, liability for quality, performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose arising out of the use, or inability to use the data. The information may be inaccurate or incomplete based on how well the corresponding weather station successfully or unsuccessfully reported or recorded it with the instruments which measured the weather at the time; including gaps between hours or even days. Specifically, and this data, as presented, may not and should not be used as a reference for any reason relating to legal proceedings, insurance claims, recovery, loss prevention, making predictions, or critical decisions. Lastly, the weather station may be miles away from the actual area of interest. This data may not be leeched or republished.
Note regarding "Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total"
The "Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total" is calculated in whole based on the last measurement from each hour reported - which is accumulative and reset at the beginning of each hour - ideally. However, some stations reset at the wrong time, such as a few minutes after the hour. We have tried to account for this issue. Most gauges report multiple times per hour. For example, a measurement of precipitation at 8:15am could be 0.04 in. of water - then when a measurement is taken at 8:30am might be 0.06 in. - and at 8:56am might be 0.08 in. So, the accumulative total for that hour would be 0.08 in. - not calculated together to equal 0.18 in. of precipitation. Finally, each hourly total for the day is summed to provide the "Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total" figure.
One other note: if the total is 0, but there was obviously rain - then the instrument is not properly distributing its data from the station. The issue could be temporary or permanent.
84°F |
Barometer 63%
Humidity East 16.1mph Wind |
Overcast |