Hamblen Past Weather

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High: 80.6ºf @3:45 PM    Low: 59ºf @6:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:45 PM71.673.3262.630.115nne---
7:50 PM7761.2162.630.115nne---
6:58 PM7753.885930.115ne---
5:55 PM80.644.8957.230.125nne---
4:55 PM80.647.885930.128ne---
3:45 PM80.644.8957.230.135e---
2:55 PM80.644.8957.230.158ene---
1:45 PM80.644.8957.230.178ene---
12:45 PM78.847.6157.230.176e---
11:45 AM7753.885930.185e---
10:45 AM75.264.9862.630.195e---
9:45 AM6888.2964.430.23ne---
8:45 AM64.488.1160.830.23n---
7:45 AM591005930.19-----
6:45 AM5993.7557.230.195nnw---
High: 82.4ºf @4:45 PM    Low: 64.4ºf @6:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:50 PM6893.9866.230.175n---
8:45 PM73.473.564.430.16-----
7:45 PM78.861.4464.430.165n---
6:50 PM80.657.9464.430.167n---
5:45 PM82.454.6564.430.175n---
4:45 PM82.454.6564.430.175n---
3:45 PM82.461.96830.17-----
2:50 PM80.661.6766.230.19-----
1:45 PM78.865.4166.230.25nne---
12:45 PM7769.466.230.22-----
11:45 AM75.278.396830.225nne---
10:45 AM73.488.5469.830.214nne---
9:45 AM71.688.466830.25n---
8:45 AM6893.9866.230.25nne---
7:45 AM64.410064.430.19-----
6:45 AM64.410064.430.18-----
High: 86ºf @3:45 PM    Low: 68ºf @9:45 PM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:45 PM681006830.17-----
8:45 PM71.688.466830.14-----
7:45 PM73.473.564.430.179wnw---
6:45 PM75.278.396830.153n---
5:45 PM78.865.4166.230.1212n20--
4:45 PM84.258.426830.129ne---
3:45 PM8651.8466.230.126wnw---
2:45 PM84.251.5864.430.127w---
1:45 PM84.251.5864.430.145wnw---
12:45 PM84.254.966.230.167w---
11:45 AM82.461.96830.164w---
10:45 AM78.874.0269.830.164w---
9:45 AM75.283.3769.830.154w---
8:45 AM71.688.466830.154sw---
7:45 AM71.688.466830.15-----
High: 84.2ºf @3:45 PM    Low: 60.8ºf @6:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:45 PM71.683.1366.230.094w---
8:45 PM75.273.6766.230.065w---
7:45 PM80.657.9464.430.055w---
6:45 PM82.454.6564.430.045w---
5:45 PM84.248.4262.630.043sw---
4:45 PM84.248.4262.630.055wnw---
3:45 PM84.248.4262.630.064nw---
2:45 PM82.451.3162.630.075wnw---
1:45 PM80.654.462.630.09-----
12:45 PM80.654.462.630.09-----
11:45 AM7769.466.230.09-----
10:45 AM7769.466.230.09-----
9:53 AM73.478.2466.230.09-----
8:45 AM66.210066.230.07-----
8:38 AM66.210066.230.06-----
7:45 AM62.610062.630.06-----
7:22 AM62.610062.630.06-----
6:45 AM60.810060.830.05-----
6:30 AM62.693.8460.830.04-----
High: 80.6ºf @4:45 PM    Low: 64.4ºf @6:55 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:45 PM71.688.466829.99-----
8:45 PM75.278.396829.99-----
7:45 PM78.865.4166.229.98-----
6:45 PM80.661.6766.229.97-----
5:45 PM78.869.66829.983wnw---
4:45 PM80.654.462.629.99-----
3:45 PM80.654.462.630.01-----
2:45 PM80.657.9464.430.024n---
1:45 PM78.861.4464.430.03-----
12:45 PM7769.466.230.04-----
11:50 AM75.269.2164.430.05-----
10:45 AM73.473.564.430.05-----
9:45 AM71.678.0964.430.05-----
8:45 AM6893.9866.230.05-----
7:45 AM64.410064.430.04-----
6:55 AM64.493.8962.630.03-----
High: 77ºf @4:45 PM    Low: 62.6ºf @6:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:50 PM6888.2964.430.065nne---
8:45 PM71.683.1366.230.05-----
7:45 PM73.473.564.430.044ne---
6:45 PM7753.885930.055nne---
5:45 PM7753.885930.056nne---
4:45 PM7753.885930.074nne---
3:45 PM7753.885930.096n---
2:45 PM7750.5257.230.15ne---
1:45 PM75.257.25930.118ene---
12:55 PM7750.5257.230.128ne---
11:45 AM75.260.9860.830.128ene---
10:45 AM71.668.8160.830.12-----
9:45 AM6882.8962.630.12-----
8:45 AM64.493.8962.630.11-----
7:45 AM64.488.1160.830.1-----
6:45 AM62.693.8460.830.1-----
High: 80.6ºf @4:45 PM    Low: 55.4ºf @6:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
4:45 PM80.644.8957.230.1-----
10:45 AM71.668.8160.830.143ene---
9:45 AM66.277.645930.14-----
7:45 AM5993.7557.230.13-----
6:45 AM55.410055.430.12-----
6:30 AM57.293.755.430.12-----
High: 78.8ºf @3:45 PM    Low: 55.4ºf @6:30 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:45 PM64.488.1160.830.12-----
8:45 PM71.668.8160.830.12-----
7:45 PM75.250.2555.430.125n---
6:45 PM7747.3355.430.15n---
5:45 PM7747.3355.430.125nne---
4:45 PM7747.3355.430.12-----
3:45 PM78.844.6155.430.147ene---
12:58 PM75.250.2555.430.185ene---
11:45 AM75.253.6257.230.195ene---
10:45 AM71.664.545930.23nne---
9:45 AM66.277.645930.24ne---
8:45 AM64.482.655930.215ne---
7:55 AM5993.7557.230.2-----
6:56 AM55.493.6553.630.19-----
6:30 AM55.493.6553.630.18-----
High: 75.2ºf @3:45 PM    Low: 59ºf @6:30 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:45 PM62.688.025930.14-----
8:45 PM6868.4157.230.136n---
7:45 PM71.656.755.430.135n---
5:45 PM73.453.3655.430.138nne---
3:45 PM75.250.2555.430.137nne---
1:45 PM73.456.9557.230.1410n---
12:45 PM71.653.153.630.1512n16--
11:45 AM71.656.755.430.156nne---
10:45 AM6868.4157.230.146n---
9:45 AM66.268.255.430.156n---
8:45 AM62.677.3355.430.148n---
7:45 AM60.887.9457.230.124n---
6:45 AM5987.8555.430.096nnw---
6:30 AM5987.8555.430.095nnw---
High: 82.4ºf @12:45 PM    Low: 71.6ºf @7:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:45 PM73.473.564.429.997n---
8:45 PM75.273.6766.229.965n---
7:45 PM80.665.626829.937n---
6:45 PM78.883.673.429.924wsw---
5:45 PM78.883.673.429.914wsw---
4:45 PM71.688.466829.937w---
3:45 PM82.469.9871.629.938wnw---
1:45 PM82.469.9871.629.946w---
12:45 PM82.469.9871.629.955w---
11:45 AM80.674.1971.629.94-----
10:50 AM7783.4871.629.93-----
9:50 AM75.294.1673.429.93-----
8:45 AM73.494.1271.629.94-----
7:45 AM71.610071.629.93-----
6:55 AM71.610071.629.92-----
High: 84.2ºf @1:45 PM    Low: 68ºf @6:58 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:45 PM75.278.396829.915wsw---
8:45 PM7778.5469.829.917wsw---
7:45 PM80.665.626829.86-----
6:45 PM80.665.626829.86-----
5:45 PM80.665.626829.8910w---
4:45 PM80.665.626829.9316sw22--
3:49 PM82.461.96829.9315wsw21--
2:45 PM84.254.966.229.913w24--
1:45 PM84.262.1369.829.8912wsw19--
11:45 AM80.669.7969.829.8811wsw19--
10:45 AM75.278.396829.878wsw---
9:45 AM71.688.466829.88-----
8:45 AM69.888.3766.229.8714sw22--
6:58 AM681006829.9214wsw---
High: 89.6ºf @3:58 PM    Low: 71.6ºf @6:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:51 PM82.474.3673.429.8511sw---
8:50 PM84.270.1773.429.8712ssw15--
7:47 PM8670.3675.229.878s---
6:52 PM8670.3675.229.8711sw---
5:51 PM89.659.1373.429.8712sw---
4:50 PM89.662.875.229.8812sw18--
3:58 PM89.662.875.229.914sw17--
3:45 PM89.662.875.229.914sw17--
2:55 PM89.662.875.229.9212sw16--
1:45 PM89.659.1373.429.9415sw18--
12:45 PM87.866.4675.229.9510sw---
11:45 AM8666.2573.429.9511ssw15--
10:45 AM82.469.9871.629.9512ssw17--
9:45 AM80.665.626829.9712sw18--
8:45 AM75.273.6766.229.9610sw---
7:45 AM73.478.2466.229.958se---
6:45 AM71.678.0964.430.0210wnw---
6:30 AM7783.4871.630.0415nw22--
High: 87.8ºf @5:45 PM    Low: 68ºf @6:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:45 PM84.270.1773.429.998ssw---
8:50 PM84.270.1773.4308ssw---
7:45 PM8662.3571.630.0110sw---
6:45 PM87.858.8971.630.0112wsw---
5:45 PM87.858.8971.630.0210sw---
4:50 PM8666.2573.430.028e---
3:50 PM80.674.1971.630.0512ne18--
1:45 PM8666.2573.430.078wsw---
12:45 PM8666.2573.430.0813wsw20--
11:45 AM84.270.1773.430.0913wsw---
10:55 AM82.474.3673.430.1110ssw---
9:55 AM78.883.673.430.1210ssw---
8:56 AM71.694.0769.830.12-----
7:45 AM71.694.0769.830.12-----
6:45 AM681006830.11-----
6:30 AM681006830.11-----
High: 87.8ºf @3:50 PM    Low: 66.2ºf @6:30 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:55 PM75.283.3769.830.14-----
8:50 PM80.674.1971.630.14-----
7:55 PM84.266.0471.630.14-----
6:58 PM8658.6669.830.14-----
5:58 PM87.855.469.830.14-----
4:45 PM8655.156830.166sw---
3:50 PM87.855.469.830.17-----
2:45 PM8651.8466.230.18-----
1:47 PM8648.6964.430.26w---
12:48 PM84.258.426830.2-----
11:45 AM82.461.96830.21-----
10:45 AM80.678.8273.430.21-----
9:45 AM7788.773.430.21-----
8:55 AM73.483.256830.21-----
6:45 AM66.210066.230.18-----
6:30 AM66.210066.230.18-----
High: 84.2ºf @3:45 PM    Low: 66.2ºf @6:30 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:45 PM75.288.6271.630.12-----
8:45 PM7783.4871.630.123w---
7:45 PM82.469.9871.630.093w---
6:45 PM82.469.9871.630.09-----
5:45 PM82.461.96830.096w---
4:45 PM84.258.426830.093wnw---
3:45 PM84.254.966.230.094wsw---
2:45 PM84.258.426830.114nw---
1:45 PM82.461.96830.12-----
12:45 PM82.461.96830.14-----
11:45 AM78.878.6871.630.14-----
10:45 AM7783.4871.630.13-----
9:45 AM75.288.6271.630.13-----
8:45 AM71.688.466830.12-----
6:45 AM66.293.9464.430.08-----
6:30 AM66.293.9464.430.08-----
High: 82.4ºf @1:45 PM    Low: 64.4ºf @6:30 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:45 PM6893.9866.230.07-----
8:45 PM69.894.036830.064e---
7:45 PM71.683.1366.230.058n---
6:45 PM80.669.7969.830.034ene---
5:45 PM82.469.9871.630.029ne---
4:45 PM7773.856830.046e---
3:45 PM73.488.5469.830.049e---
2:45 PM78.869.66830.049e17--
1:45 PM82.465.8369.830.057se---
12:54 PM82.461.96830.076ese---
10:50 AM7769.466.230.07-----
9:50 AM73.483.256830.08-----
8:45 AM681006830.07-----
6:45 AM64.410064.430.04-----
6:30 AM64.410064.430.04-----
High: 80.6ºf @6:45 PM    Low: 64.4ºf @6:50 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:45 PM71.683.1366.229.983ssw---
8:45 PM73.478.2466.229.974wsw---
7:45 PM78.857.6962.629.966w---
6:45 PM80.657.9464.429.957wnw---
5:45 PM80.657.9464.429.943wnw---
4:45 PM78.861.4464.429.947wnw---
3:52 PM78.857.6962.629.9412w17--
1:45 PM75.264.9862.629.9310nw16--
12:48 PM73.469.0162.629.9214nw18--
11:45 AM71.678.0964.429.898wnw17--
10:45 AM66.293.9464.429.8613w26--
9:45 AM64.410064.429.8315w24--
6:50 AM64.410064.429.8812wnw26--
6:30 AM66.210066.229.6615wsw26--
High: 77ºf @12:45 PM    Low: 71.6ºf @9:45 PM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:45 PM71.610071.629.78se---
9:39 PM71.610071.629.715ese---
1:45 PM7778.5469.829.955ne---
12:45 PM7778.5469.829.976ne---
10:55 AM75.283.3769.829.97-----
9:45 AM73.494.1271.629.98-----
8:45 AM73.494.1271.629.99-----
7:45 AM71.610071.629.98-----
7:20 AM71.610071.629.99-----
6:55 AM71.610071.629.98-----
High: 87.8ºf @3:45 PM    Low: 62.6ºf @6:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:47 PM7773.856829.994sw---
7:45 PM82.458.1866.229.99-----
6:48 PM84.254.966.229.986s---
5:47 PM8645.7262.629.988sse---
4:45 PM8648.6964.429.9810s---
3:45 PM87.845.9964.4307sse---
2:45 PM84.254.966.230.02-----
1:45 PM84.251.5864.430.03-----
12:45 PM82.454.6564.430.05-----
11:45 AM84.248.4262.630.054ese---
10:45 AM80.654.462.630.04-----
9:45 AM75.273.6766.230.04-----
8:45 AM71.688.466830.05-----
7:45 AM66.293.9464.430.03-----
6:45 AM62.610062.630.03-----
6:30 AM62.610062.630.03-----
High: 84.2ºf @4:45 PM    Low: 60.8ºf @6:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:45 PM73.483.256830.02-----
8:50 PM75.278.396830.02-----
8:45 PM7773.856830.01-----
7:50 PM82.454.6564.430.01-----
6:45 PM82.448.1560.830.01-----
5:55 PM82.448.1560.830.02-----
4:45 PM84.242.635930.03-----
3:55 PM82.445.175930.04-----
2:45 PM82.451.3162.630.06-----
1:45 PM80.654.462.630.07-----
12:45 PM80.654.462.630.07-----
11:45 AM80.647.885930.073e---
10:45 AM7761.2162.630.063ese---
9:50 AM75.273.6766.230.06-----
8:45 AM6893.9866.230.07-----
7:45 AM64.493.8962.630.07-----
6:45 AM60.810060.830.06-----
6:30 AM60.893.85930.05-----
High: 80.6ºf @6:45 PM    Low: 62.6ºf @6:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:45 PM71.683.1366.230-----
8:45 PM75.264.9862.629.99-----
7:45 PM78.857.6962.629.996w---
6:45 PM80.654.462.629.996wnw---
5:45 PM80.654.462.629.995wnw---
4:45 PM80.654.462.6308w---
3:45 PM80.657.9464.430.017w---
2:45 PM78.857.6962.630.014wsw---
1:45 PM7761.2162.630.014w---
12:45 PM7765.264.430.015w---
11:45 AM7761.2162.630.016wnw---
10:45 AM75.269.2164.429.996w---
9:45 AM71.678.0964.429.985wsw---
8:45 AM69.883.0164.429.996w---
7:45 AM64.410064.429.964w---
6:45 AM62.693.8460.829.953wsw---
High: 80.6ºf @4:45 PM    Low: 64.4ºf @6:30 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:45 PM71.683.1366.229.86-----
8:45 PM75.269.2164.429.856w---
7:45 PM78.874.0269.829.835w---
6:45 PM80.669.7969.829.828w---
5:45 PM7783.4871.629.829wsw---
5:15 PM71.688.466829.82-----
5:00 PM73.483.256829.8312nw20--
4:45 PM80.674.1971.629.811w---
3:45 PM80.669.7969.829.823wsw---
2:45 PM78.878.6871.629.835w---
1:45 PM75.288.6271.629.834wnw---
12:45 PM73.494.1271.629.864w---
11:45 AM71.610071.629.886s---
10:45 AM681006829.86-----
10:14 AM681006829.864ne---
9:53 AM6893.9866.229.89-----
9:11 AM6893.9866.229.9310w---
8:55 AM6893.9866.229.9-----
8:36 AM6893.9866.229.88-----
7:55 AM6893.9866.229.86-----
6:45 AM66.293.9464.429.86-----
6:30 AM64.410064.429.86-----
High: 84.2ºf @4:45 PM    Low: 71.6ºf @11:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:45 PM73.494.1271.629.88-----
8:45 PM80.674.1971.629.865wnw---
7:45 PM82.465.8369.829.8411w17--
6:45 PM84.274.5275.229.8213w18--
5:45 PM84.274.5275.229.8310sw---
4:45 PM84.274.5275.229.8510ssw---
3:45 PM82.474.3673.429.8710ssw---
2:45 PM80.678.8273.429.8810s---
1:45 PM7794.275.229.929s---
12:45 PM73.494.1271.629.954se---
11:45 AM71.610071.629.978s---
10:45 AM73.494.1271.6304s---
9:55 AM73.494.1271.629.996ssw---
8:45 AM75.294.1673.429.965ssw---
6:30 AM73.494.1271.629.965s---
High: 87.8ºf @11:50 AM    Low: 68ºf @6:30 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:45 PM80.674.1971.629.996sw---
8:45 PM80.674.1971.629.984w---
7:45 PM80.674.1971.629.973wnw---
6:45 PM82.469.9871.629.967wnw---
5:45 PM84.262.1369.829.978wnw---
4:45 PM84.266.0471.629.9910nw---
3:45 PM8666.2573.429.9910wnw---
2:45 PM8666.2573.43012wsw---
1:45 PM87.858.8971.63015wsw18--
12:45 PM87.858.8971.630.0114sw22--
11:50 AM87.855.469.83016sw22--
10:59 AM8658.6669.83015ssw22--
9:45 AM80.674.1971.630.0110ssw15--
8:45 AM7783.4871.630.0110ssw---
7:45 AM73.488.5469.830.018ssw---
6:50 AM71.688.466829.997s---
6:30 AM6893.9866.229.995s---
High: 87.8ºf @4:50 PM    Low: 53.6ºf @6:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM82.442.3457.229.968s---
7:45 PM8635.3555.429.969s18--
6:45 PM87.833.3955.429.9810s16--
5:55 PM87.833.3955.43010s---
4:50 PM87.831.2753.630.048s---
3:49 PM8633.1153.630.038s---
2:55 PM84.237.4455.430.058se---
1:45 PM82.437.1653.630.067ese---
12:45 PM78.839.1151.830.085sse---
11:45 AM7741.4951.830.17se---
10:45 AM73.446.7851.830.116se---
9:45 AM69.852.8351.830.12-----
8:45 AM64.467.9953.630.13-----
7:55 AM5972.045030.12-----
6:45 AM53.687.575030.12-----
High: 62.6ºf @9:55 PM    Low: 62.6ºf @9:55 PM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (EDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
9:55 PM62.672.4253.630.153ene---
Past Weather Disclaimer Note regarding "Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total"


Fair 71°F
Northeast 5.8mph

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