Kuparuk Past Weather

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High: 86ºf @2:45 PM    Low: 37.4ºf @12:48 PM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
4:46 PM39.293.1937.429.6220ene26--
3:45 PM39.293.1937.429.6227ene32--
2:45 PM8616.6835.6129.6125ne29--
1:50 PM37.493.1335.629.6221ne26--
12:48 PM37.493.1335.629.6221ne---
11:45 AM39.210039.229.6218ene---
10:58 AM39.210039.229.618ene---
9:45 AM39.210039.229.619e23--
8:45 AM411004129.5919ene27--
7:58 AM39.210039.229.6120ene---
6:45 AM39.210039.229.6419ne---
6:00 AM39.210039.229.6720ene---
5:45 AM39.210039.229.6815ene23--
4:45 AM39.210039.229.6417ne25--
3:45 AM411004129.6616ene---
High: 75.2ºf @1:46 PM    Low: 57.2ºf @5:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM5977.0151.829.7413nne---
5:45 PM62.672.4253.629.7510ne---
4:48 PM62.667.7951.829.7613nne---
3:45 PM6868.4157.229.7712ne---
2:50 PM69.860.2755.429.7712nne---
1:46 PM75.247.0653.629.785wnw---
12:54 PM75.250.2555.429.783----
10:53 AM71.660.5157.229.815w---
9:45 AM66.272.7857.229.824wsw---
8:52 AM64.477.4857.229.824w---
7:46 AM60.882.455.429.833----
5:45 AM57.287.7553.629.845s---
4:45 AM57.287.7553.629.8410ssw---
3:45 AM57.287.7553.629.8510s---
High: 73.4ºf @2:57 PM    Low: 57.2ºf @3:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM6864.155.429.913nnw---
5:45 PM73.453.3655.429.911wnw---
4:45 PM71.656.755.429.9112nw---
3:46 PM73.449.9753.629.9112w21--
2:57 PM73.449.9753.629.9214w---
12:54 PM69.852.8351.829.9317w---
11:45 AM69.856.4453.629.9318w23--
10:49 AM6872.975929.9217w23--
9:48 AM66.268.255.429.9314wsw---
8:49 AM64.477.4857.229.9411wsw---
7:47 AM62.682.5257.229.9410w---
6:45 AM5987.8555.429.949sw---
5:45 AM57.287.7553.629.9513sw---
4:45 AM5982.2753.629.9511sw---
3:45 AM57.287.7553.629.959ssw---
High: 62.6ºf @5:45 PM    Low: 42.8ºf @4:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM60.882.455.430.048ene---
5:45 PM62.677.3355.430.053----
4:45 PM60.882.455.430.064----
3:45 PM5982.2753.630.085e---
2:52 PM55.487.6651.830.14se---
1:47 PM53.693.651.830.117ese---
12:45 PM51.893.555030.137sse---
11:51 AM48.210048.230.148sse---
10:47 AM48.293.4546.430.1512ese---
9:45 AM46.410046.430.1710ese---
9:27 AM46.410046.430.178ese---
8:49 AM44.610044.630.1811se---
7:45 AM44.610044.630.1812ese---
6:45 AM44.610044.630.1910ese---
5:45 AM42.810042.830.1910ese---
4:45 AM42.810042.830.211e---
3:45 AM42.810042.830.210e---
High: 50ºf @6:45 AM    Low: 44.6ºf @6:45 PM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM44.610044.630.1212ene---
5:48 PM46.410046.430.1210ene---
4:45 PM46.410046.430.1210e---
3:45 PM46.410046.430.1210ene---
2:46 PM48.210048.230.128ene---
1:50 PM48.210048.230.1210e---
12:57 PM48.210048.230.119ene---
11:48 AM46.410046.430.1110ene---
10:47 AM46.410046.430.129ene---
9:46 AM46.410046.430.129ene---
8:48 AM46.410046.430.18ene---
7:46 AM46.410046.430.18ne---
6:45 AM501005030.13ne---
5:45 AM501005030.13nne---
4:45 AM501005030.093ese---
3:45 AM501005030.085ese---
High: 64.4ºf @1:45 PM    Low: 53.6ºf @5:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM57.271.8548.230.087n---
5:45 PM5967.3648.230.099n---
4:48 PM5967.3648.230.18nnw---
3:49 PM5967.3648.230.0912wsw---
2:50 PM64.452.0346.430.112wnw---
1:45 PM64.452.0346.430.113w---
12:52 PM64.459.545030.112wnw---
10:55 AM62.677.3355.430.0913w---
9:53 AM60.877.1753.630.0811w---
8:45 AM5982.2753.630.078wsw---
7:45 AM5982.2753.630.0712wsw---
6:45 AM55.493.6553.630.078sw---
5:45 AM53.693.651.830.087ssw---
4:45 AM55.487.6651.830.0813ssw---
3:45 AM57.282.1451.830.0915s20--
High: 50ºf @6:45 AM    Low: 46.4ºf @4:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 AM5093.548.230.125sse---
5:45 AM48.293.4546.430.125sse---
4:45 AM46.410046.430.116s---
3:45 AM48.293.4546.430.118sse---
High: 73.4ºf @5:46 PM    Low: 55.4ºf @6:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM71.646.55029.9215wsw---
5:46 PM73.438.2446.429.9214wsw24--
4:46 PM71.643.4848.229.9214wsw24--
3:47 PM71.643.4848.229.9116wsw20--
2:58 PM71.646.55029.9118sw23--
1:47 PM69.849.435029.9116wsw21--
12:45 PM6852.575029.9116wsw22--
11:45 AM66.255.935029.9115wsw20--
7:55 AM57.271.8548.229.9116sw---
6:45 AM55.476.6848.229.914sw---
5:45 AM55.476.6848.229.912sw---
4:45 AM55.476.6848.229.911sw---
3:45 AM55.482.015029.8910sw---
High: 64.4ºf @3:50 PM    Low: 48.2ºf @4:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM62.655.4146.429.811ssw---
5:46 PM64.452.0346.429.7915sw21--
4:45 PM64.448.5944.629.7912ssw22--
3:50 PM64.452.0346.429.7816wsw20--
1:48 PM60.859.0546.429.7814ssw---
12:56 PM5962.9546.429.7912sw---
11:46 AM57.267.1546.429.7812sw---
9:58 AM55.476.6848.229.775ssw---
8:45 AM53.681.8848.229.773wsw---
6:45 AM501005029.756wsw---
5:51 AM5093.548.229.748wsw---
4:45 AM48.293.4546.429.747sw---
High: 57.2ºf @10:53 AM    Low: 39.2ºf @4:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM53.676.5246.429.729e---
5:45 PM55.471.6646.429.739e---
4:52 PM55.471.6646.429.739ene---
3:45 PM55.471.6646.429.749nne---
2:45 PM55.476.6848.229.747n---
12:45 PM55.482.015029.748nw---
11:49 AM57.282.1451.829.7411wsw---
10:53 AM57.276.855029.749ssw---
9:46 AM5093.548.229.743se---
8:48 AM46.410046.429.757sse---
7:45 AM411004129.768s---
6:45 AM39.210039.229.7511ese---
5:45 AM39.210039.229.768ese---
4:45 AM39.210039.229.769e---
High: 46.4ºf @2:45 PM    Low: 39.2ºf @7:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM4193.2439.229.8411ene---
5:49 PM42.886.9939.229.8510ne---
4:46 PM44.687.094129.8510ene---
3:49 PM46.481.344129.8511ne---
2:45 PM46.481.344129.856nne---
1:45 PM44.687.094129.864ne---
11:45 AM42.886.9939.229.854----
10:45 AM4193.2439.229.856nw---
9:45 AM39.293.1937.429.855wnw---
8:53 AM39.293.1937.429.846wnw---
7:47 AM39.293.1937.429.838w---
6:45 AM39.293.1937.429.829w---
5:48 AM39.210039.229.819w---
4:45 AM4193.2439.229.7910w---
High: 50ºf @1:45 PM    Low: 35.6ºf @4:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM46.487.1942.829.6610nw---
5:47 PM48.281.4842.829.6610nw---
4:46 PM5076.1842.829.649nw---
3:49 PM48.287.2844.629.627n---
2:47 PM48.281.4842.829.68wnw---
1:45 PM5081.6144.629.5911w---
12:51 PM5081.6144.629.5810w---
10:47 AM46.487.1942.829.588w---
9:50 AM44.687.094129.579w---
8:53 AM411004129.578w---
7:50 AM4193.2439.229.559wsw---
6:48 AM37.410037.429.555ssw---
5:47 AM37.410037.429.553----
4:45 AM35.610035.629.542----
High: 39.2ºf @7:45 AM    Low: 37.4ºf @8:46 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM37.410037.429.513ene---
5:45 PM37.410037.429.513ene---
4:47 PM37.410037.429.515e20--
3:48 PM39.293.1937.429.4818ene---
2:57 PM39.293.1937.429.4815ene---
1:47 PM39.293.1937.429.513ene---
12:45 PM39.293.1937.429.4914e---
8:46 AM37.410037.429.4915ene---
7:45 AM39.210039.229.515ene---
6:46 AM39.210039.229.5111ene---
5:47 AM39.210039.229.5111ene---
4:46 AM39.210039.229.5110ne---
High: 55.4ºf @1:51 PM    Low: 41ºf @5:46 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM53.676.5246.429.5510ne---
5:45 PM53.676.5246.429.5410ene---
5:02 PM55.476.6848.229.5410ene---
1:51 PM55.476.6848.229.554----
12:46 PM51.881.7546.429.556e---
11:45 AM48.287.2844.629.569e---
10:45 AM48.287.2844.629.568e---
9:47 AM46.487.1942.829.9511e---
8:46 AM46.487.1942.829.5611e---
7:52 AM42.893.34129.579e---
5:46 AM411004129.69ene---
High: 48.2ºf @2:50 PM    Low: 35.6ºf @4:46 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM48.276.024129.738ene---
5:45 PM48.281.4842.829.748ne---
4:52 PM46.481.344129.767e---
3:45 PM48.276.024129.787ene---
2:50 PM48.270.8839.229.789ene---
1:45 PM46.475.8439.229.89ene---
12:45 PM46.475.8439.229.828ene---
11:46 AM44.681.239.229.838ne---
10:47 AM42.881.0637.429.857ene---
9:45 AM39.286.7935.629.858ene---
8:48 AM39.286.7935.629.8610ene---
7:49 AM39.286.7935.629.879ene---
6:56 AM37.493.1335.629.898e---
5:46 AM35.610035.629.97ene---
4:46 AM35.610035.629.917ene---
3:55 AM35.610035.629.919ene---
High: 37.4ºf @1:45 PM    Low: 33.8ºf @6:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM37.410037.429.9313ene---
4:45 PM37.493.1335.629.9512ene---
3:46 PM37.493.1335.629.9513ene---
2:46 PM37.493.1335.629.9513ene---
1:45 PM37.493.1335.629.9513ene---
11:45 AM37.493.1335.629.9510ene---
10:55 AM35.610035.629.9512ene---
8:45 AM33.8107.4433.829.9311ene---
7:45 AM33.810033.829.948e---
6:45 AM33.810033.829.9311e---
5:45 AM33.810033.829.9212e---
4:49 AM33.810033.829.9212e---
3:55 AM33.810033.829.9212e---
High: 41ºf @6:45 PM    Low: 33.8ºf @8:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM4186.8937.429.8619e---
5:45 PM4186.8937.429.8518e---
4:45 PM39.293.1937.429.8518e---
3:45 PM39.293.1937.429.8420e---
2:45 PM39.293.1937.429.8416e---
1:45 PM37.493.1335.629.8420e---
12:45 PM37.493.1335.629.8319e---
10:45 AM35.693.0833.829.8319e---
9:45 AM35.693.0833.829.8217e---
8:45 AM33.810033.829.8118e---
7:45 AM33.810033.829.816e---
6:45 AM33.810033.829.7918e---
5:45 AM33.810033.829.7918e---
3:55 AM33.810033.829.7722e---
High: 44.6ºf @5:45 PM    Low: 35.6ºf @4:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM42.886.9939.229.6824e29--
5:45 PM44.681.239.229.6723e29--
9:45 AM42.881.0637.429.6918e25--
8:45 AM4186.8937.429.6918e---
5:46 AM37.493.1335.629.7311e---
4:45 AM35.693.0833.829.7410ese---
3:56 AM35.610035.629.8710ese---
High: 41ºf @3:45 PM    Low: 35.6ºf @7:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
3:45 PM4175.3233.829.94nnw---
2:45 PM4175.3233.829.914w---
1:45 PM39.280.7833.829.925nnw---
12:45 PM37.486.6833.829.926wnw---
11:45 AM37.486.6833.829.929wnw---
10:45 AM37.486.6833.829.929nw---
9:45 AM37.480.633229.9210nw---
8:45 AM35.686.583229.928wnw---
7:45 AM35.686.583229.9211wnw---
6:45 AM35.686.583229.9310wnw---
5:45 AM35.693.0833.829.936nw---
4:45 AM35.693.0833.829.935nw---
High: 41ºf @4:45 PM    Low: 33.8ºf @3:55 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM39.280.7833.829.9710nw---
5:45 PM39.280.7833.829.9713nw---
4:45 PM4175.3233.829.9614nw---
3:45 PM39.286.7935.629.9614nw---
2:45 PM39.286.7935.629.9513wnw---
1:45 PM39.280.7833.829.9515wnw---
12:45 PM39.280.7833.829.9515wnw---
11:45 AM37.486.6833.829.9316wnw---
10:45 AM37.486.6833.829.9314wnw---
9:45 AM35.693.0833.829.9212w---
8:45 AM35.693.0833.829.9111w---
7:45 AM35.686.583229.911w---
6:45 AM35.693.0833.829.911wnw---
5:45 AM35.693.0833.829.8910w---
4:45 AM33.810033.829.911w---
3:55 AM33.810033.829.8910w---
High: 35.6ºf @7:45 AM    Low: 33.8ºf @5:45 PM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
5:45 PM33.810033.829.6810n---
4:45 PM35.610035.629.6513nne---
3:45 PM35.610035.629.6313nne---
2:45 PM35.610035.629.6212ne---
1:45 PM35.610035.629.6114ne---
12:45 PM35.610035.629.6114ne---
11:45 AM35.610035.629.6114ne---
9:45 AM35.610035.629.6311ne---
8:45 AM35.610035.629.6312ene---
7:45 AM35.610035.629.6410ene---
6:45 AM35.610035.629.6511ene---
5:45 AM35.610035.629.6610ene---
4:45 AM35.610035.629.678e---
3:55 AM35.610035.629.678ene---
High: 41ºf @1:45 PM    Low: 33.8ºf @7:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM4186.8937.429.7510e---
5:45 PM4186.8937.429.769e---
4:45 PM4180.9235.629.776e---
3:45 PM4180.9235.629.777e---
2:45 PM4186.8937.429.785ene---
1:45 PM4180.9235.629.786e---
12:45 PM4180.9235.629.774e---
11:45 AM39.280.7833.829.775ne---
10:45 AM39.280.7833.829.782----
9:48 AM37.486.6833.829.773ene---
8:45 AM35.693.0833.829.764nnw---
7:45 AM33.810033.829.765n---
6:45 AM35.693.0833.829.765n---
5:45 AM33.810033.829.756n---
4:45 AM35.610035.629.746nne---
3:59 AM33.810033.829.745nne---
High: 50ºf @9:45 AM    Low: 41ºf @5:45 PM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM411004129.726n---
5:45 PM411004129.726nnw---
4:45 PM46.410046.429.727n---
2:45 PM48.210048.229.749wnw---
1:45 PM48.210048.229.749wnw---
12:47 PM48.210048.229.7410wnw---
11:45 AM48.210048.229.7513wnw---
10:45 AM48.210048.229.7515w---
9:45 AM5093.548.229.7514w---
8:45 AM48.210048.229.7516w---
7:45 AM48.210048.229.7611w---
6:45 AM48.210048.229.7714w---
5:45 AM48.210048.229.7717w---
4:45 AM46.410046.429.7712wsw---
High: 60.8ºf @2:45 PM    Low: 50ºf @8:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM5977.0151.829.6516wsw20--
5:45 PM57.287.7553.629.6611w---
4:45 PM5972.045029.6616w---
3:45 PM60.859.0546.429.6617w25--
2:45 PM60.859.0546.429.6620w25--
1:45 PM57.271.8548.229.6618wsw23--
12:45 PM53.681.8848.229.6616w---
11:45 AM53.687.575029.6618w24--
10:45 AM51.893.555029.6514w---
9:45 AM5093.548.229.6618w---
8:45 AM501005029.6417w21--
7:45 AM51.893.555029.6410w---
6:45 AM501005029.6511w---
5:45 AM51.893.555029.6412wsw---
4:45 AM51.893.555029.6423w30--
3:59 AM53.693.651.829.6317sw25--
High: 60.8ºf @3:45 PM    Low: 46.4ºf @4:45 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:45 PM5982.2753.629.7218w26--
5:45 PM5987.8555.429.7418w24--
4:45 PM60.887.9457.229.7514w22--
3:45 PM60.893.85929.753s---
2:45 PM591005929.756w---
1:45 PM5993.7557.229.753----
12:45 PM55.493.6553.629.758se---
11:45 AM51.810051.829.776ese---
10:45 AM53.687.575029.85sse---
9:45 AM51.876.3544.629.7911se---
8:45 AM5081.6144.629.8211ese---
7:45 AM48.287.2844.629.8311ese---
6:45 AM48.281.4842.829.8510ese---
5:45 AM46.481.344129.8610ese---
4:45 AM46.481.344129.8712se---
3:59 AM46.487.1942.829.8810ese---
High: 53.6ºf @5:45 PM    Low: 53.6ºf @5:45 PM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (ADT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
5:45 PM53.666.7142.829.9212e---
Past Weather Disclaimer Note regarding "Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total"


 Light Drizzle Fog/Mist and Breezy 39°F
Northeast 23.0mph
Light Drizzle Fog/Mist and Breezy

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