Peoria, AZ Past Weather

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High: 93.2ºf @1:50 PM    Low: 71.6ºf @6:58 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
1:50 PM93.223.135029.755----
12:50 PM91.424.465029.78-----
11:47 AM87.827.385029.81-----
10:50 AM80.624.524129.834----
9:51 AM80.624.524129.844----
8:47 AM80.624.524129.843ne---
7:48 AM75.227.3139.229.843ne---
6:58 AM71.628.7237.429.824nne---
5:59 AM71.628.7237.429.81-----
High: 91.4ºf @3:48 PM    Low: 68ºf @6:50 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
7:47 PM8615.5233.829.723w---
6:47 PM87.814.6633.829.715wsw---
5:47 PM89.613.8533.7929.714wsw---
4:48 PM91.413.133.8129.724sw---
3:48 PM91.412.183229.724wsw---
2:47 PM89.612.8932.0129.743----
1:47 PM87.814.6633.829.765s---
12:50 PM89.612.8932.0129.795----
11:50 AM8615.5233.829.81-----
10:47 AM84.215.293229.82-----
9:47 AM80.618.4733.829.83-----
8:47 AM78.821.0435.629.82-----
7:50 AM73.420.2630.229.81-----
6:50 AM6837.364129.8-----
High: 89.6ºf @3:48 PM    Low: 73.4ºf @5:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
7:47 PM84.217.6635.629.754sw---
6:47 PM8617.9137.4129.758wsw---
4:50 PM89.619.7142.7929.747wsw---
3:48 PM89.621.1244.629.755wsw---
2:50 PM89.622.6146.429.7712sw18--
1:55 PM89.622.6146.429.7912wsw---
12:47 PM87.823.9346.429.8211ssw---
11:47 AM82.434.7851.829.827s---
10:47 AM82.434.7851.829.848s---
9:47 AM80.636.8751.829.858sw---
8:47 AM80.632.2548.229.843----
7:50 AM75.233.6344.629.835s---
5:47 AM73.440.9248.229.785s---
High: 98.6ºf @2:48 PM    Low: 77ºf @5:53 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
7:47 PM98.622.453.629.6811sw---
6:50 PM98.622.453.629.6615ssw---
5:55 PM98.622.453.629.6520ssw26--
4:55 PM98.622.453.629.6419ssw25--
3:54 PM98.622.453.629.6417sw24--
2:48 PM98.623.9255.429.6619ssw23--
1:55 PM98.623.9255.429.6818s26--
12:54 PM96.822.1451.829.7117ssw21--
11:50 AM9524.9953.629.7415s21--
10:50 AM93.228.2155.429.7610ssw---
9:47 AM89.640.862.629.779se---
8:47 AM8648.6964.429.775----
7:51 AM84.239.9657.229.763----
6:48 AM78.839.1151.829.75-----
5:53 AM7741.4951.829.74-----
High: 100.4ºf @2:47 PM    Low: 77ºf @6:56 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
5:47 PM100.421.2253.629.6313sw---
5:00 PM100.418.585029.639wsw---
4:48 PM100.417.3748.1929.6312sw---
3:48 PM100.418.585029.658ssw---
2:47 PM100.418.585029.687sw---
1:50 PM98.619.6250.0129.716----
12:55 PM98.619.6250.0129.747sse---
11:55 AM96.823.6653.629.77-----
10:55 AM9526.6955.429.794----
9:47 AM91.431.8357.229.81-----
8:51 AM87.838.015929.81-----
7:51 AM84.242.635929.8-----
6:56 AM7753.885929.79-----
High: 98.6ºf @2:47 PM    Low: 84.2ºf @7:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
5:47 PM98.623.9255.429.714wsw---
4:47 PM98.623.9255.429.71-----
3:49 PM98.623.9255.429.735sw---
2:47 PM98.622.453.629.765ne---
1:50 PM96.823.6653.629.797n---
12:47 PM96.822.1451.829.816nne---
11:48 AM93.226.4253.629.84-----
10:47 AM91.433.955929.863----
9:47 AM87.840.5260.829.874ne---
8:49 AM87.835.6457.229.874nne---
7:47 AM84.228.7148.229.867n---
High: 102.2ºf @3:52 PM    Low: 71.6ºf @6:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
7:53 PM9516.6742.7929.75sw---
6:48 PM98.61339.229.674w---
5:53 PM100.411.4737.3929.675w---
4:50 PM100.411.4737.3929.67-----
3:52 PM102.210.1335.6129.688sw---
2:47 PM100.412.3139.1929.696nw---
1:48 PM96.812.7937.3929.714----
12:48 PM96.812.7937.3929.745sw---
11:59 AM96.812.7937.3929.753nne---
10:50 AM93.214.2937.4129.774e---
9:55 AM89.615.9837.429.77-----
9:01 AM78.818.223229.76-----
7:47 AM78.818.223229.75-----
6:47 AM71.623.163229.73-----
5:47 AM75.219.0830.229.7-----
High: 104ºf @2:49 PM    Low: 73.4ºf @5:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
7:53 PM956.9721.229.575ssw---
6:54 PM98.65.7819.3829.547sw---
4:52 PM1044.9219.3929.5317ssw---
3:50 PM1047.7330.2129.5311sw---
2:49 PM1047.7330.2129.5512wsw21--
1:50 PM1049.635.629.5710ssw20--
12:48 PM102.211.6739.229.5810wsw---
11:51 AM100.412.3139.1929.67se---
10:51 AM96.813.7339.229.629se---
10:19 AM9515.5641.0129.628sse---
9:47 AM87.822.3544.629.63-----
8:47 AM87.822.3544.629.63-----
7:47 AM84.223.442.8129.62-----
6:47 AM78.827.8742.829.61-----
5:47 AM73.440.9248.229.65e---
High: 105.8ºf @3:47 PM    Low: 75.2ºf @5:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
7:47 PM98.612.1137.3929.545wsw---
6:47 PM100.411.4737.3929.548sw---
5:47 PM10410.3137.429.5510sw---
4:47 PM105.89.7837.4129.5615sw---
3:47 PM105.89.7837.4129.5810sw---
2:50 PM10410.3137.429.6110wsw---
1:50 PM1049.635.629.6311sw---
12:47 PM102.210.8737.3929.667ssw---
11:55 AM98.611.2835.629.68-----
10:47 AM93.213.3135.6129.7-----
9:47 AM91.415.1137.429.71-----
8:47 AM8619.2139.1929.713e---
7:47 AM82.420.137.429.713nw---
6:47 AM78.824.2539.229.69-----
6:17 AM78.8264129.68-----
5:47 AM75.229.294129.683----
High: 107.6ºf @4:50 PM    Low: 77ºf @6:50 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
7:47 PM98.69.0830.229.655sw---
6:48 PM102.28.1530.229.648ssw---
5:48 PM105.87.3330.2129.658ssw---
4:50 PM107.66.9530.1929.663----
3:48 PM107.66.9530.1929.68-----
2:53 PM107.66.9530.1929.73----
1:47 PM107.68.0433.829.724----
12:47 PM1047.7330.2129.76-----
11:48 AM98.69.773229.79-----
10:48 AM98.69.773229.827ene---
9:47 AM9512.5935.629.834ene---
8:55 AM89.614.8835.5929.83-----
7:47 AM8620.614129.833n---
6:50 AM7729.5742.829.81-----
5:47 AM78.8264129.794n---
High: 105.8ºf @3:47 PM    Low: 82.4ºf @6:54 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
7:47 PM98.69.773229.75-----
6:47 PM102.28.7732.0129.754ssw---
5:47 PM105.87.8831.9929.756se---
4:47 PM105.89.135.5929.767e---
3:47 PM105.89.135.5929.769ne---
2:47 PM105.88.4733.7929.794----
1:47 PM1048.9433.8129.826ne---
12:47 PM1048.9433.8129.848e---
11:51 AM102.210.1335.6129.868e---
10:51 AM100.411.4737.3929.889e---
9:56 AM91.417.394129.896e---
8:53 AM91.417.394129.893----
7:54 AM87.819.4640.9929.896n---
6:54 AM82.424.7942.829.89-----
5:53 AM82.423.134129.86-----
High: 107.6ºf @2:50 PM    Low: 87.8ºf @6:55 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
5:48 PM1048.9433.8129.727e---
4:47 PM105.89.135.5929.723e---
3:50 PM105.89.135.5929.739e---
2:50 PM107.69.9539.1929.759e16--
1:53 PM105.812.0642.829.775e18--
12:48 PM10411.8640.9929.815ne---
11:52 AM102.213.4142.7929.8310e15--
10:50 AM100.416.2446.4129.8610e---
9:47 AM98.617.1446.429.879e---
8:51 AM9521.895029.874e---
7:50 AM93.221.6348.229.86-----
6:55 AM87.827.385029.86-----
High: 105.8ºf @1:52 PM    Low: 95ºf @6:48 PM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:48 PM9526.6955.429.7817n22--
5:49 PM100.419.8651.829.7618n23--
4:55 PM105.814.848.229.74-----
3:52 PM105.814.848.229.75-----
2:52 PM105.815.835029.789sse---
1:52 PM105.815.835029.825ese---
11:47 AM102.218.8251.829.8914se18--
10:52 AM102.218.8251.829.911e---
9:50 AM98.620.9751.829.923----
8:50 AM96.823.6653.629.9210e---
High: 107.6ºf @3:51 PM    Low: 89.6ºf @5:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
7:56 PM98.623.9255.429.8-----
6:49 PM105.814.848.229.79-----
5:50 PM107.614.0448.229.8-----
4:50 PM107.614.0448.229.81-----
3:51 PM107.615.0250.0129.825sse---
2:51 PM107.615.0250.0129.856e---
1:54 PM105.816.9251.829.886----
12:47 PM105.816.9251.829.9110ese---
11:50 AM10417.8451.829.938se---
10:47 AM102.218.8251.829.9510ese18--
9:48 AM100.419.8651.829.9415e20--
8:47 AM98.620.9751.829.9410e---
7:50 AM96.823.6653.629.9310ene---
6:47 AM93.226.4253.629.918e---
5:47 AM89.622.6146.429.884ene---
High: 113ºf @3:51 PM    Low: 105.8ºf @7:51 PM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
7:51 PM105.87.8831.9929.765sw---
6:54 PM109.47.132.0129.764sw---
5:54 PM111.27.2433.7929.765----
4:53 PM1136.8833.829.766----
3:51 PM1139.1340.9929.783----
High: 109.4ºf @3:55 PM    Low: 86ºf @5:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
5:55 PM107.612.2644.6129.783----
4:47 PM107.613.1246.429.793----
3:55 PM109.413.3348.2129.84----
2:47 PM107.615.0250.0129.824----
1:47 PM105.815.835029.864----
12:47 PM102.217.615029.883----
10:48 AM100.418.585029.924e---
9:48 AM98.620.9751.829.935----
8:48 AM9523.451.8129.928e---
7:51 AM91.426.1551.829.925ne---
6:47 AM8630.9951.829.9-----
5:47 AM8630.9951.829.884nnw---
High: 104ºf @2:55 PM    Low: 86ºf @5:55 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
7:47 PM100.416.2446.4129.784s---
6:47 PM10413.6244.629.763ssw---
5:47 PM10414.5846.3929.763s---
4:47 PM10415.6148.2129.774ese---
3:48 PM10416.695029.793----
2:55 PM10417.8451.829.813s---
1:50 PM10419.0653.629.846se---
12:47 PM100.421.2253.629.883ese---
11:47 AM98.622.453.629.94----
10:47 AM96.823.6653.629.936ene---
9:51 AM9524.9953.629.948e---
8:48 AM93.228.2155.429.949e---
7:51 AM89.631.5555.429.938e---
6:54 AM87.835.6457.229.925ne---
5:55 AM8635.3555.429.893e---
High: 105.8ºf @3:47 PM    Low: 82.4ºf @5:52 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
7:50 PM98.617.1446.429.783s---
6:47 PM102.214.3744.629.776s---
5:55 PM10413.6244.629.768sse---
4:50 PM10414.5846.3929.787se---
3:47 PM105.813.8346.429.7910e15--
2:47 PM10413.6244.629.818e---
1:47 PM10413.6244.629.8412ene---
12:50 PM102.216.4648.1929.87-----
11:48 AM102.217.615029.98ne---
10:47 AM96.823.6653.629.9310e---
9:50 AM96.823.6653.629.9410e---
8:47 AM93.228.2155.429.948ene---
7:57 AM89.631.5555.429.934ne---
6:51 AM84.235.0753.629.925nne---
5:52 AM82.437.1653.629.95n---
High: 105.8ºf @3:50 PM    Low: 82.4ºf @6:48 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
6:47 PM100.417.3748.1929.76-----
5:48 PM100.417.3748.1929.7815e25--
3:50 PM105.813.8346.429.824ne33--
3:03 PM105.813.8346.429.77-----
2:47 PM105.813.8346.429.796----
1:58 PM10414.5846.3929.82-----
12:51 PM10415.6148.2129.857e---
11:48 AM102.216.4648.1929.877e---
10:50 AM100.417.3748.1929.97e---
9:52 AM98.618.3448.229.97ene---
8:51 AM93.221.6348.229.94ne---
7:53 AM89.624.248.229.897n---
6:48 AM82.432.545029.88-----
High: 105.8ºf @5:47 PM    Low: 82.4ºf @6:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
5:47 PM105.812.9244.629.77-----
4:50 PM105.812.9244.629.773n---
3:52 PM105.813.8346.429.788wnw---
2:52 PM10414.5846.3929.813----
1:54 PM10415.6148.2129.843nw---
12:47 PM102.216.4648.1929.89-----
11:47 AM102.216.4648.1929.924----
10:50 AM100.418.585029.949nne---
9:48 AM96.820.7250.0129.958nne---
8:53 AM91.424.465029.943----
7:52 AM89.625.885029.93-----
6:47 AM82.437.1653.629.913nne---
High: 98.6ºf @6:59 PM    Low: 98.6ºf @6:59 PM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
7:52 PM98.617.1446.429.877nnw---
6:59 PM98.617.1446.429.8610ne---
High: 105.8ºf @1:50 PM    Low: 104ºf @2:50 PM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
5:48 PM10411.8640.9929.795ssw---
4:48 PM105.811.254129.798sw---
3:48 PM105.811.254129.815sw---
2:50 PM10411.8640.9929.845sse---
1:50 PM105.812.9244.629.864s---
High: 105.8ºf @3:50 PM    Low: 82.4ºf @5:54 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (MST)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
7:47 PM98.612.1137.3929.854ssw---
6:48 PM102.210.8737.3929.847ssw---
5:48 PM105.89.7837.4129.8410ssw---
4:47 PM105.811.254129.8511sw---
3:50 PM105.89.7837.4129.875----
2:50 PM10411.0639.229.894----
1:47 PM1049.635.629.924----
12:48 PM102.210.1335.6129.954----
11:48 AM100.410.6935.6129.97-----
10:47 AM93.215.3339.229.984----
9:50 AM93.215.3339.229.994----
8:47 AM89.618.394129.993ne---
7:52 AM8625.3346.429.994nne---
6:47 AM82.416.231.9929.965nnw---
5:54 AM82.416.231.9929.94-----
Past Weather Disclaimer Note regarding "Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total"


Partly Cloudy 93°F
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