Stanford, CA Past Weather

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High: 57.2ºf @6:47 AM    Low: 57.2ºf @6:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
7:47 AM57.282.1451.829.847w---
6:47 AM57.282.1451.829.839wsw---
High: 68ºf @1:47 PM    Low: 55.4ºf @6:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM60.872.2351.829.8510wsw---
7:47 PM60.872.2351.829.8510wsw---
6:47 PM62.667.7951.829.8610w---
5:47 PM62.667.7951.829.869w---
4:47 PM62.672.4253.629.8712w---
3:47 PM64.463.6451.829.8713w21--
2:47 PM66.259.7951.829.8710wsw16--
1:47 PM6860.0353.629.8810w---
12:47 PM66.263.8753.629.8914w19--
11:47 AM66.263.8753.629.99wnw---
10:47 AM66.263.8753.629.910w17--
9:47 AM62.672.4253.629.94----
9:10 AM60.877.1753.629.93----
8:47 AM62.672.4253.629.9-----
7:47 AM57.287.7553.629.89-----
6:47 AM55.487.6651.829.884----
High: 71.6ºf @2:47 PM    Low: 55.4ºf @6:55 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM60.872.2351.829.866nnw---
7:47 PM64.463.6451.829.856nw---
6:47 PM69.856.4453.629.847nnw---
5:47 PM6877.7960.829.8313n---
4:47 PM69.873.1560.829.8314n---
3:47 PM71.664.545929.8411nnw---
2:47 PM71.660.5157.229.8512nnw---
1:47 PM71.660.5157.229.8611nnw---
12:47 PM6872.975929.878n---
11:47 AM66.272.7857.229.896n---
10:47 AM64.477.4857.229.895----
9:47 AM62.677.3355.429.883----
8:47 AM62.682.5257.229.87-----
7:55 AM57.287.7553.629.873nnw---
6:55 AM55.493.6553.629.85-----
High: 77ºf @2:47 PM    Low: 55.4ºf @6:55 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM62.682.5257.229.818nw---
6:57 PM64.477.4857.229.7910nnw---
6:47 PM66.277.645929.7812nnw---
5:47 PM71.668.8160.829.7713nnw---
4:47 PM75.257.25929.7711nnw---
3:47 PM75.260.9860.829.7711nnw---
2:47 PM7757.4560.829.7816nnw---
1:47 PM75.260.9860.829.810n---
12:47 PM75.257.25929.817n---
10:47 AM6868.4157.229.835----
9:47 AM64.477.4857.229.834----
8:47 AM64.472.655.429.82-----
7:47 AM57.287.7553.629.823----
6:55 AM55.482.015029.81-----
High: 78.8ºf @3:47 PM    Low: 53.6ºf @6:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM64.477.4857.229.779nnw---
7:47 PM66.268.255.429.7611nnw---
6:47 PM69.864.3257.229.7513nnw---
4:47 PM7750.5257.229.7513nnw---
3:47 PM78.847.6157.229.7713nnw---
2:47 PM7750.5257.229.7814nnw---
1:47 PM75.253.6257.229.88n---
12:47 PM73.453.3655.429.827n---
11:47 AM69.860.2755.429.846----
10:47 AM64.477.4857.229.854----
9:47 AM62.682.5257.229.854----
8:47 AM60.882.455.429.85-----
7:47 AM55.493.6553.629.84-----
6:47 AM53.693.651.829.83-----
High: 75.2ºf @2:47 PM    Low: 53.6ºf @6:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM66.268.255.429.867wnw---
7:47 PM6868.4157.229.85-----
6:47 PM71.660.5157.229.8513wnw---
5:47 PM71.660.5157.229.867w17--
4:47 PM73.456.9557.229.8718nw24--
3:47 PM75.253.6257.229.8815nw23--
2:47 PM75.253.6257.229.8718wnw24--
1:47 PM75.250.2555.429.8914wnw---
12:47 PM69.864.3257.229.914n---
11:47 AM6868.4157.229.916n---
10:47 AM6860.0353.629.916----
9:47 AM64.467.9953.629.93----
8:47 AM62.677.3355.429.89-----
7:47 AM55.487.6651.829.88-----
6:47 AM53.693.651.829.87-----
High: 69.8ºf @4:47 PM    Low: 60.8ºf @9:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM60.882.455.429.885w---
7:47 PM60.882.455.429.8611nnw---
6:47 PM64.472.655.429.8511nnw---
5:47 PM6864.155.429.8513nnw---
4:47 PM69.864.3257.229.8514nnw20--
3:47 PM6868.4157.229.8713n---
2:47 PM66.272.7857.229.8911n---
1:47 PM6864.155.429.99n---
12:47 PM66.268.255.429.928n---
11:47 AM64.472.655.429.935nne---
10:47 AM62.672.4253.629.944ssw---
9:47 AM60.877.1753.629.933sw---
8:47 AM60.877.1753.629.935wsw---
7:47 AM60.877.1753.629.913w---
6:47 AM60.877.1753.629.94w---
High: 71.6ºf @2:47 PM    Low: 57.2ºf @6:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM60.877.1753.629.8714nnw---
6:47 PM66.277.645929.8714nnw---
5:47 PM69.864.3257.229.8714nnw---
4:47 PM71.660.5157.229.8714nnw---
3:47 PM71.660.5157.229.8813nw---
2:47 PM71.664.545929.913nw---
1:47 PM69.868.615929.9111n---
12:47 PM69.868.615929.9211nnw---
11:47 AM6872.975929.9410n---
10:47 AM66.277.645929.947n---
10:19 AM64.482.655929.945nne---
9:47 AM62.682.5257.229.944nne---
8:47 AM60.887.9457.229.935nw---
7:47 AM5987.8555.429.92-----
6:47 AM57.293.755.429.914w---
High: 78.8ºf @4:47 PM    Low: 60.8ºf @7:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM64.482.655929.8410nw---
7:47 PM64.482.655929.8210nw---
6:47 PM71.664.545929.811nnw---
5:47 PM75.250.2555.429.89nnw---
4:47 PM78.841.7853.629.8110nw---
3:47 PM78.850.785929.8210nw---
2:47 PM7757.4560.829.8410nnw---
1:47 PM73.469.0162.629.869n---
12:47 PM69.877.9462.629.878n---
11:47 AM6877.7960.829.896----
10:47 AM66.282.7760.829.915nne---
10:11 AM62.688.025929.913ne---
9:47 AM62.682.5257.229.913ne---
8:47 AM62.682.5257.229.91-----
7:47 AM60.887.9457.229.9-----
6:47 AM60.887.9457.229.89-----
High: 73.4ºf @4:47 PM    Low: 57.2ºf @6:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM62.682.5257.229.868nw---
7:47 PM64.477.4857.229.849nw---
5:47 PM71.668.8160.829.848nw---
4:47 PM73.460.755929.8511nw---
3:47 PM73.460.755929.8711nw---
2:47 PM71.664.545929.8910nnw---
1:47 PM71.664.545929.9111nnw---
12:47 PM69.873.1560.829.929n---
11:47 AM6877.7960.829.947n---
10:47 AM66.277.645929.954----
9:47 AM62.682.5257.229.954----
8:47 AM60.887.9457.229.956----
7:47 AM60.882.455.429.953----
6:47 AM57.293.755.429.944----
High: 78.8ºf @4:47 PM    Low: 57.2ºf @6:55 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM64.477.4857.229.937nw---
7:47 PM66.277.645929.9110nw---
6:47 PM71.664.545929.98nnw---
5:47 PM75.257.25929.9111nnw---
4:47 PM78.847.6157.229.9210nnw---
3:47 PM78.844.6155.429.9410nnw---
2:47 PM75.257.25929.959n---
1:47 PM75.257.25929.987nnw---
12:47 PM73.460.75593010nw---
11:47 AM71.664.545930.018nw---
10:47 AM66.272.7857.230.029n---
9:47 AM66.277.645930.0110nnw---
8:47 AM64.482.655930.018nw---
7:47 AM60.882.455.4304w---
6:55 AM57.293.755.429.993----
High: 82.4ºf @3:47 PM    Low: 66.2ºf @8:47 PM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM66.272.7857.229.9710wnw---
7:47 PM69.864.3257.229.969nw---
6:47 PM73.460.755929.976nnw---
5:47 PM78.847.6157.229.9610nw---
4:47 PM80.644.8957.229.9712nnw---
3:47 PM82.448.1560.829.989n---
High: 78.8ºf @2:47 PM    Low: 64.4ºf @8:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
5:47 PM73.469.0162.629.9610nw---
4:47 PM7761.2162.629.9510nw---
3:47 PM78.850.785929.9512nnw---
2:47 PM78.854.1460.829.9610nnw---
1:47 PM7757.4560.829.979nnw---
12:47 PM73.469.0162.629.9810n---
11:47 AM71.673.3262.629.998n---
10:47 AM69.877.9462.6307n---
9:47 AM6877.7960.829.995n---
8:47 AM64.488.1160.829.98-----
High: 86ºf @3:47 PM    Low: ºf @6:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM71.664.545929.896nw---
7:47 PM71.668.8160.829.8710n---
6:47 PM75.260.9860.829.8612nnw---
5:47 PM80.657.9464.429.8612nnw---
4:47 PM84.245.4460.829.8612nnw---
3:47 PM8642.960.829.8712nnw---
2:47 PM84.242.635929.898n---
1:47 PM78.847.6157.229.919n---
12:47 PM78.841.7853.629.925----
10:47 AM69.864.3257.229.954----
9:47 AM66.268.255.429.96-----
8:47 AM64.467.9953.629.96-----
7:47 AM---29.95-----
6:47 AM---29.94-----
High: ºf @10:47 AM    Low: ºf @10:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM---29.938nw---
7:47 PM---29.938nw---
6:47 PM---29.9311nnw---
5:47 PM---29.9313nnw---
4:47 PM---29.9416nnw---
3:47 PM---29.9516nnw---
2:47 PM---29.9616nnw---
1:47 PM---29.9816nnw---
12:47 PM---29.9914nnw---
11:47 AM---30.017n---
10:47 AM---30.015----
9:47 AM---30.015----
8:47 AM---30-----
7:47 AM---29.993----
6:37 AM---29.983wsw---
High: ºf @9:47 AM    Low: ºf @9:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM---29.9312nnw---
7:47 PM---29.9212nnw---
4:47 PM---29.9218nw---
3:47 PM---29.9418nnw---
2:47 PM---29.9514nnw---
1:47 PM---29.9717nnw---
12:47 PM---29.9815nnw---
11:47 AM---3012nnw---
10:47 AM---30.018n---
9:47 AM---30.017nnw---
8:47 AM---304nw---
7:47 AM---303----
6:37 AM---29.98-----
High: ºf @10:47 AM    Low: ºf @10:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM---29.989nnw---
7:47 PM---29.9710nnw---
6:47 PM---29.9612nnw---
5:47 PM---29.9615nnw---
4:47 PM---29.9615nnw---
3:47 PM---29.9716nnw---
2:47 PM---29.9915nnw---
1:47 PM---3013nnw---
11:47 AM---30.047n---
10:47 AM---30.055----
9:47 AM---30.065----
8:47 AM---30.063----
7:47 AM---30.05-----
6:47 AM---30.04-----
High: ºf @6:47 PM    Low: ºf @6:47 PM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM---30.038nnw---
7:47 PM---30.0111nnw---
6:47 PM---30.0112nnw---
High: ºf @1:47 PM    Low: ºf @1:47 PM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
5:47 PM---29.8912nnw---
4:47 PM---29.912nnw---
3:47 PM---29.9211nnw---
2:47 PM---29.9410nnw---
1:47 PM---29.967n---
High: ºf @10:47 AM    Low: ºf @10:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM---30.0312nnw---
6:47 PM---3012nnw---
5:47 PM---3012nnw---
4:47 PM---30.0112nnw---
3:47 PM---30.0214nnw---
2:47 PM---30.0412nnw---
1:47 PM---30.0611nnw---
12:47 PM---30.089n---
11:47 AM---30.18n---
10:47 AM---30.116n---
9:47 AM---30.113----
8:47 AM---30.11-----
7:47 AM---30.11-----
6:37 AM---30.1-----
High: ºf @10:47 AM    Low: ºf @10:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM---30.098wnw---
7:47 PM---30.078wnw---
6:47 PM---30.0616nnw---
5:47 PM---30.0616nnw---
4:47 PM---30.0614nw---
3:47 PM---30.0614nw---
2:47 PM---30.0711nnw---
1:47 PM---30.18n---
12:47 PM---30.116----
11:47 AM---30.125----
10:47 AM---30.145----
9:47 AM---30.154----
8:47 AM---30.143----
7:47 AM---30.14-----
6:47 AM---30.13-----
High: ºf @10:47 AM    Low: ºf @10:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM---30.17w---
7:47 PM---30.096w---
6:47 PM---30.0711nw---
5:47 PM---30.077wnw---
4:47 PM---30.0711wnw17--
3:47 PM---30.0617nnw---
2:47 PM---30.0713n---
1:47 PM---30.0812n---
12:47 PM---30.0912n---
11:47 AM---30.098n---
10:47 AM---30.085----
9:47 AM---30.074----
8:47 AM---30.07-----
7:47 AM---30.054s---
6:47 AM---30.055sse---
High: ºf @10:47 AM    Low: ºf @10:47 AM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM---30.016nw---
7:47 PM---308nw---
6:47 PM---29.9912wnw---
5:47 PM---3013wnw---
4:47 PM---29.998nw---
3:47 PM---3011nw---
2:47 PM---30.0210nnw---
1:47 PM---30.0411nnw---
12:47 PM---30.057nnw---
11:47 AM---30.054----
10:47 AM---30.055----
9:47 AM---30.045----
8:47 AM---30.03-----
7:47 AM---30.01-----
6:47 AM---305----
High: ºf @6:47 PM    Low: ºf @6:47 PM     Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total: in.
Time (PDT)Temp. (ºf)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºf)Barometer (inHG)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in.)Snow Depth
8:47 PM---29.968w---
7:47 PM---29.958w---
6:47 PM---29.959w---
Past Weather Disclaimer Note regarding "Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total"


Overcast 57°F
West 10.4mph

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