Kailua Kona Past Weather

Last 30 Days

High: 76ºF / 24ºC   Low: 70ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0.01in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7280%65.830.128.7NNW1000
1 AM7279%65.530.119.6N11.200
2 AM7279%
3 AM7180%6530.089.6N11.100
4 AM7181%64.830.0910.3N1200
5 AM7181%64.730.19.6N11.300
6 AM7180%
7 AM7077%62.830.135.4N6.800
8 AM7270%
9 AM7468%62.630.163.6WNW4.100
10 AM7568%63.630.174.9W5.700
11 AM7668%64.330.166.3W7.200
12 PM7668%64.730.146.7W7.700
1 PM7669%64.830.117.2WSW8.200
2 PM7669%64.730.096.7WSW7.700
3 PM7569%64.530.076.3SW7.200
4 PM7569%64.330.086SW700
5 PM7570%64.430.086.7SSW7.700
6 PM7473%64.930.087.6S8.700
7 PM7376%
8 PM7376%6530.124.9S5.700
9 PM7375%64.730.132.9SSW3.400
10 PM7376%64.630.141.3W1.500
11 PM7277%64.830.144NNW4.600
High: 75ºF / 24ºC   Low: 71ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0.02in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7178%6430.12.7WNW3.100
1 AM7179%6430.091.3WNW1.500
2 AM7180%
3 AM7181%64.430.071.3W1.500
4 AM7181%64.530.071.3WNW1.500
5 AM7180%64.530.072.9WSW3.400
6 AM7183%64.930.093.6WNW4.200
7 AM7182%64.930.113.8WNW4.500
8 AM7280%
9 AM7377%
10 AM7476%65.430.138.5NW9.800
11 AM7573%65.330.129.2NW10.600
12 PM7571%65.430.099.4NW10.800
1 PM7571%65.430.078.7WNW1000
2 PM7572%65.330.057.2WNW8.200
3 PM7573%
4 PM7473%6530.045.6WSW6.400
5 PM7474%64.830.055.1WSW5.900
6 PM7375%64.930.075.1SSW5.900
7 PM7377%6530.095.1SSW5.900
8 PM7378%65.330.115.4SSW6.200
9 PM7378%
10 PM7278%6530.134.5SSW5.100
11 PM7278%64.730.123.6S4.100
High: 76ºF / 24ºC   Low: 69ºF / 20ºC    Rain Total: 0.01in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7076%61.730.082.2WSW2.800
1 AM7076%
2 AM6978%
3 AM6978%6230.040.7ENE0.900
4 AM6979%61.830.032.9ESE3.800
5 AM6977%61.330.033.1ESE4.300
6 AM6976%60.730.062.9ENE400
7 AM6975%60.430.071.6E2.100
8 AM7171%
9 AM7363%59.930.091.8SSE2.100
10 AM7461%
11 AM7663%6230.087.8SW900
12 PM7663%
1 PM7664%62.830.048.1WSW9.300
2 PM7566%
3 PM7568%63.430.047.2WNW8.200
4 PM7469%63.530.036.3WNW7.200
5 PM7471%63.830.025.1W5.900
6 PM7374%
7 PM7278%64.830.075.4NW6.200
8 PM7279%6530.084.7NW5.400
9 PM7281%65.430.13.1NW3.600
10 PM7280%65.430.14NW4.600
11 PM7280%65.330.114.5NW5.100
High: 74ºF / 24ºC   Low: 69ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0.01in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7180%
1 AM7180%
2 AM7081%64.430.042.9S3.400
3 AM7083%64.430.032S2.300
4 AM7082%63.830.022.2SSE2.600
5 AM6982%6330.032.2SSE2.800
6 AM7081%63.630.042.2S2.600
7 AM6981%63.430.061.6SSW1.900
8 AM7178%63.630.082S2.300
9 AM7274%
10 AM7371%62.830.094.5WSW5.100
11 AM7469%6330.085.4W6.200
12 PM7469%63.430.076.9W800
1 PM7470%63.530.046.9WNW800
2 PM7471%63.530.026.3WNW7.200
3 PM7471%63.630.025.8WNW6.700
4 PM7371%62.830.014.5W5.100
5 PM7272%62.730.023.6WSW4.100
6 PM7273%62.730.033.4SW3.900
7 PM7175%62.330.053.6S4.200
8 PM7076%62.530.074.5S5.400
9 PM7077%62.430.082.7SSW3.400
10 PM7078%62.630.082.2S2.900
11 PM7080%6330.082.5WNW3.100
High: 75ºF / 24ºC   Low: 69ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0.03in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM6980%62.830.041.3N1.600
1 AM7079%63.330.042.9N3.40.010
2 AM7079%
3 AM7078%62.5304.5N5.300
4 AM6977%61.9304.5N5.500
5 AM6977%61.5304.3NNW5.300
6 AM6976%61.330.035.1N6.400
7 AM6975%60.830.065.4NNE6.700
8 AM7168%6030.062.5NE2.800
9 AM7364%59.930.071.8WNW2.100
10 AM7463%60.530.082.2W2.600
11 AM7464%61.430.074.5WSW5.100
12 PM7566%62.630.046.5SW7.500
1 PM7568%63.530.036.9WSW800
2 PM7471%63.930.016.5WSW7.500
3 PM7473%64.3305.8WSW6.700
4 PM7375%64.629.995.4W6.200
5 PM7377%64.8305.1WNW600
6 PM7279%6530.025.8WNW6.700
7 PM7280%
8 PM7280%
9 PM7280%
10 PM7279%64.730.074.3NW4.900
11 PM7180%64.730.074.3WNW4.900
High: 74ºF / 23ºC   Low: 69ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0.03in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7076%62.330.042.2N2.700
1 AM7075%6230.031.8NNW2.200
2 AM7075%61.930.022.7NNW3.300
3 AM7075%61.330.012.2NNW2.800
4 AM7073%60.7302.2N2.900
5 AM7072%60302.2NNW2.900
6 AM6970%59.430.011.8NNW2.300
7 AM6970%58.930.030.4N0.600
8 AM7166%59.330.052SW2.300
9 AM7366%60.530.053.6SW4.100
10 AM7367%61.630.064.3SW4.900
11 AM7467%62.330.065.6WSW6.400
12 PM7468%62.730.036.5WSW7.500
1 PM7369%62.5303.4WSW3.900
2 PM7468%62.929.976W700
3 PM7470%63.229.976.9W800
4 PM7370%62.829.974.7WNW5.400
5 PM7370%62.529.973.1W3.600
6 PM7371%62.629.992.7SW3.100
7 PM7274%63.1304.3SSW500
8 PM7177%63.730.036.3SSW7.200
9 PM7178%63.930.046.7S7.700
10 PM7178%63.830.044.7S5.400
11 PM7178%63.530.032.9SW3.400
High: 75ºF / 24ºC   Low: 68ºF / 20ºC    Rain Total: 0.04in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM6976%
1 AM6875%59.830.042.9SE3.900
2 AM6875%59.930.031.1SE1.500
3 AM6876%59.830.021.1ESE1.500
4 AM6975%60.530.021.8ENE2.20.010
5 AM6875%6030.022.5NE3.200
6 AM6874%59.530.043.4NNE4.500
7 AM6874%
8 AM7067%5930.085.8NNE6.700
9 AM7260%57.730.085.4N6.200
10 AM7456%57.330.095.8NNW6.700
11 AM7556%57.730.086NW700
12 PM7557%58.330.055.8WNW6.700
1 PM7558%
2 PM7559%59.8307.2WNW8.200
3 PM7561%60.329.987.2WNW8.200
4 PM7463%60.429.985.6WNW6.400
5 PM7365%60.329.993.4WNW3.900
6 PM7267%60.6303.1WNW3.600
7 PM7171%6130.021.8NNW2.100
8 PM7171%60.830.051.6NNW1.800
9 PM7071%60.730.060.2NNE0.300
10 PM7170%60.430.060.2E0.300
11 PM7169%
High: 74ºF / 23ºC   Low: 68ºF / 20ºC    Rain Total: 0.01in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7076%61.830.051.1WSW1.300
1 AM7075%61.330.040.2SSE0.300
2 AM6973%
3 AM6971%59.330.012N2.300
4 AM6969%58.330.013.8NNE4.400
5 AM6962%55.7304.5E5.500
6 AM6959%53.930.012.9ESE3.800
7 AM6859%53.630.033.1ESE4.300
8 AM7157%54.630.042.5SSE2.800
9 AM7257%55.630.062SSW2.300
10 AM7257%56.530.072.7W3.100
11 AM7358%57.330.063.8WNW4.400
12 PM7459%58.330.045.6NW6.400
1 PM7461%59.730.017.6NW8.700
2 PM7465%61.129.999.6NNW11.100
3 PM7367%61.629.979.4NNW10.800
4 PM7366%61.329.955.8NNW6.700
5 PM7369%61.929.977.6NW8.700
6 PM7271%61.929.986NNW700
7 PM7172%61.6303.4NNW3.900
8 PM7172%61.730.021.3SSE1.500
9 PM7173%61.530.034.9SSE5.700
10 PM7074%
11 PM7073%6130.052.7SSE3.100
High: 75ºF / 24ºC   Low: 70ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0.02in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7277%
1 AM7177%63.930.010.7SW0.800
2 AM7177%63.5302NNW2.300
3 AM7176%62.629.993.4N3.900
4 AM7073%61.329.992.9NNE3.500
5 AM7070%6029.993.8N4.800
6 AM7067%58.530.014.3NNE5.500
7 AM7063%56.730.022.2NE300
8 AM7259%56.830.031.1N1.300
9 AM7359%57.430.042.7NNW3.100
10 AM7458%5830.053.6NW4.100
11 AM7458%58.430.044.7NW5.400
12 PM7557%58.730.025.6NW6.400
1 PM7558%59.129.995.8WNW6.700
2 PM7559%59.629.965.8NW6.700
3 PM7460%59.529.954NW4.600
4 PM7460%59.629.951.8WNW2.100
5 PM7462%60.329.962.5WSW2.800
6 PM7367%61.129.992.7WSW3.100
7 PM7172%61.930.012.9SSW3.400
8 PM7176%62.530.043.4SSW3.900
9 PM7077%62.930.062.5SSW2.800
10 PM7078%
11 PM7077%62.830.061.8SSE2.100
High: 76ºF / 25ºC   Low: 71ºF / 22ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7277%6529.998.1N1000
1 AM7277%64.729.987.2N9.100
2 AM7276%64.229.966NNE7.900
3 AM7275%63.829.955.8NNE7.700
4 AM7274%63.129.954.9NNE6.500
5 AM7273%62.529.953.6NNE4.800
6 AM7174%62.429.962.2NE300
7 AM7174%62.229.981.3E1.800
8 AM7371%63302.2SSE2.600
9 AM7469%63.630.014.3SSW4.900
10 AM7569%64.530.025.4SSW6.200
11 AM7669%64.930.015.6SW6.400
12 PM7669%65.1305.6SW6.400
1 PM7669%65.229.975.1WSW5.900
2 PM7669%65.429.944.9WSW5.700
3 PM7670%65.529.944.5WSW5.100
4 PM7572%65.429.944W4.600
5 PM7572%65.229.952.9W3.400
6 PM7474%64.929.972.2WNW2.600
7 PM7374%64.529.981.6WNW1.800
8 PM7373%
9 PM7373%63.930.030.4WSW0.500
10 PM7374%63.830.041.1SSW1.300
11 PM7275%63.730.041.8SSW2.100
High: 76ºF / 24ºC   Low: 72ºF / 22ºC    Rain Total: 0.13in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7283%66.829.9410.3SSE14.10.010
1 AM7381%66.429.939.2SSE14.60.020
2 AM7282%66.429.928.7SSE12.50.030
3 AM7283%66.229.917.4SE9.90.010
4 AM7282%66.129.96SE7.90.030
5 AM7282%66.129.915.1SE7.40.010
6 AM7281%6629.933.4SE4.60.010
7 AM7281%65.829.951.3SSE200
8 AM7479%66.929.971.8NW2.300
9 AM7580%67.929.984.7NW5.400
10 AM7679%68.529.997.2NW8.200
11 AM7679%69.129.999.2NW10.600
12 PM7681%69.429.9710.5NW12.100
1 PM7680%68.829.9410.7NW12.500
2 PM7580%68.529.9211.4NNW13.300
3 PM7579%68.229.911.6NNW13.400
4 PM7579%67.829.911.6NNW13.400
5 PM7580%67.829.9112.1NNW13.900
6 PM7481%67.429.9311.4N13.100
7 PM7382%67.229.9410.5N12.100
8 PM7382%6729.9710.3N11.800
9 PM7283%66.829.9910.1N11.600
10 PM7281%66.329.998.5N10.100
11 PM7281%65.929.997.6N9.200
High: 76ºF / 24ºC   Low: 72ºF / 22ºC    Rain Total: 1.81in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7682%69.829.922.6S46.10.120
1 AM7583%69.629.8922.1S47.10.120
2 AM7583%69.529.8721.5S46.30.120
3 AM7583%69.329.8620.1S32.60.120
4 AM7584%69.529.8618.3S35.10.140
5 AM7487%69.829.8716.1S33.60.170
6 AM7388%69.729.8915.9S34.10.130
7 AM7389%69.229.9214.8S31.90.20
8 AM7290%6929.9414.5SSE31.50.130
9 AM7291%6929.9614.1SSE230.130
10 AM7290%68.829.9714.1SSE270.090
11 AM7388%68.829.9612.5SSE25.80.090
12 PM7388%6929.9311.6SSE24.60.060
1 PM7388%6929.911.9SSE25.40.040
2 PM7486%69.129.8811.6SSE250.020
3 PM7583%68.929.8611.4SSE14.60.020
4 PM7582%68.829.8610.5SSE14.60.020
5 PM7482%68.629.8710.7SSE15.80.010
6 PM7483%68.429.8910.3SSE15.10.020
7 PM7384%6829.9110.7SSE17.60.010
8 PM7382%67.729.9310.3SSE16.40.010
9 PM7382%67.329.9410.5SSE13.80.010
10 PM7382%66.929.959.8SSE13.50.010
11 PM7381%66.829.9510.1SSE14.50.010
High: 82ºF / 28ºC   Low: 76ºF / 24ºC    Rain Total: 0.34in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7672%
1 AM7671%65.729.886.9S9.600
2 AM7770%66.129.8611.6S15.900
3 AM7771%66.529.8414.5S19.600
4 AM7672%66.529.8314.5S19.700
5 AM7671%66.129.839.8S14.400
6 AM7672%66.829.8412.5S17.800
7 AM7771%66.429.8615.9S22.600
8 AM7869%67.429.8817.7S2100
9 AM7970%68.629.8824.4S28.100
10 AM8167%68.829.8927.3SSW31.400
11 AM8262%68.129.8629.8SSW34.200
12 PM8262%6829.8629.5SSW3400
1 PM8167%69.129.8429.3SSW33.700
2 PM8071%7029.8228.4SSW32.700
3 PM8072%7029.8326.2S30.100
4 PM7974%7029.8225.9S29.800
5 PM7876%70.329.8224.4S28.100
6 PM7779%70.429.8522.1S25.50.010
7 PM7781%70.629.8722.1S27.90.020
8 PM7780%70.429.923S320.050
9 PM7781%70.629.923.3S30.20.050
10 PM7682%70.429.9123.3S370.090
11 PM7683%70.129.9123.7S44.60.110
High: 76ºF / 24ºC   Low: 70ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7177%63.529.952.2NNW2.600
1 AM7177%63.529.940.9N100
2 AM7175%6329.920.9SSW100
3 AM7178%63.429.913.6WNW4.100
4 AM7078%63.329.912N2.300
5 AM7177%62.929.911.6NE1.800
6 AM7175%62.329.920.9ENE1.100
7 AM7175%62.329.942.5WNW300
8 AM7273%62.429.960.4E0.500
9 AM7369%62.329.972.2W2.600
10 AM7468%62.629.992.9WSW3.400
11 AM7567%62.929.984.7WSW5.400
12 PM7566%6329.956.5W7.500
1 PM7566%63.129.923.8W4.400
2 PM7665%63.129.885.8W6.700
3 PM7568%63.829.884.9WNW5.700
4 PM7570%64.229.884.5NW5.100
5 PM7570%6429.883.1NNW3.600
6 PM7471%64.129.893.4NNW3.900
7 PM7375%64.629.924.7N5.400
8 PM7275%64.129.932ENE2.300
9 PM7273%63.329.941.8S2.100
10 PM7274%63.329.953.4S400
11 PM7371%62.529.936SSE7.500
High: 75ºF / 24ºC   Low: 69ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0.05in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7177%63.329.987.8NNE9.100
1 AM7175%62.529.977.6NNE900
2 AM7074%61.729.966.5NE7.900
3 AM7072%60.829.955.4ENE6.700
4 AM7073%60.729.943.1NE400
5 AM6976%61.329.943.8ENE4.800
6 AM6977%61.529.962.9E3.800
7 AM6977%61.729.982.5E3.300
8 AM7272%62.229.993.6SE4.100
9 AM7369%62.1302SSW2.300
10 AM7467%6230.013.4SSW3.900
11 AM7467%62.9304.9SW5.700
12 PM7568%63.529.985.8WSW6.70.010
1 PM7370%62.929.956WSW7.100
2 PM7470%63.829.936WSW700
3 PM7473%64.229.925.8SW6.700
4 PM7373%64.229.916WSW700
5 PM7376%64.529.915.1WSW600
6 PM7276%64.129.934.3W4.90.010
7 PM7178%64.229.962.5W30.010
8 PM7179%64.229.972WNW2.300
9 PM7179%63.929.980.9W100
10 PM7179%63.729.991.3WNW1.500
11 PM7179%63.529.991.1NE1.30.010
High: 76ºF / 24ºC   Low: 70ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0.08in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7282%
1 AM7281%65.730.065.1SSW6.200
2 AM7282%65.730.064.3S5.20.010
3 AM7180%64.930.044.3SE5.10.020
4 AM7179%64.430.033.8SE4.800
5 AM7179%6430.033.4SSE4.300
6 AM7179%6430.035.1SSE6.600
7 AM7081%64.430.064S5.300
8 AM7278%
9 AM7475%65.430.085.1S5.900
10 AM7574%65.730.086.3SSW7.200
11 AM7672%65.930.067.4SSW8.500
12 PM7671%6630.048.3SW9.500
1 PM7672%
2 PM7573%65.929.977.8SW900
3 PM7573%65.929.966.9WSW800
4 PM7575%6629.975.8W6.700
5 PM7475%65.529.983.4WNW40.020
6 PM7377%65.729.983.8NW4.400
7 PM7380%
8 PM7281%
9 PM7282%6630.055.8NNW6.80.010
10 PM7281%65.830.044.3NNW4.900
11 PM7281%65.630.035.4NW6.200
High: 77ºF / 25ºC   Low: 71ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0.07in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7381%66.530.063.8NW4.50.010
1 AM7281%66.330.064.7NNW5.700
2 AM7281%
3 AM7283%6630.045.4NNW6.20.010
4 AM7184%65.830.044N4.800
5 AM7183%65.430.052.5NNW300
6 AM7182%6530.070.7NNE0.900
7 AM7182%64.830.091.8SE2.300
8 AM7277%64.930.12.2SSE2.600
9 AM7474%
10 AM7670%64.930.113.6SSW4.100
11 AM7767%64.830.14.5SW5.100
12 PM7768%65.630.087.2WSW8.200
1 PM7771%66.530.057.8WSW900
2 PM7674%6730.047.6WSW8.80.010
3 PM7576%6730.036.7WSW7.900
4 PM7575%66.830.036.3WSW7.70.010
5 PM7577%66.730.045.6W6.900
6 PM7478%66.530.064WSW5.100
7 PM7380%66.530.083.4SW4.40.010
8 PM7379%
9 PM7380%66.330.115.6SSW6.400
10 PM7381%66.330.15.8SSE6.700
11 PM7378%65.730.16.3SSE7.200
High: 77ºF / 25ºC   Low: 70ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7275%
1 AM7275%63.830.045.4S6.700
2 AM7276%63.930.034SSW5.100
3 AM7177%63.730.012.7SSW3.400
4 AM7178%63.7303.1W4.100
5 AM7180%63.9302.7NW3.600
6 AM7079%63.630.023.6NNW4.900
7 AM7079%63.330.043.8NNW5.300
8 AM7371%62.930.053.4N3.900
9 AM7566%62.530.064NW4.600
10 AM7664%62.530.064.9NW5.700
11 AM7663%62.930.044.9WNW5.700
12 PM7764%63.430.026W700
1 PM7764%63.7305.8W6.700
2 PM7765%63.629.975.6WSW6.400
3 PM7665%63.529.965.4WSW6.200
4 PM7665%63.529.965.4SW6.200
5 PM7667%63.729.995.6SW6.400
6 PM7471%64.430.015.6SSW6.400
7 PM7475%
8 PM7476%65.430.063.8SSE4.400
9 PM7377%65.530.063.8SSE4.400
10 PM7379%65.830.073.6S4.200
11 PM7281%
High: 77ºF / 25ºC   Low: 68ºF / 20ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM6979%62.730.052.5NE3.200
1 AM6976%61.630.041.8NNE2.300
2 AM6976%
3 AM6975%60.430.022.7NNE3.600
4 AM6971%58.930.012.5ENE3.300
5 AM6874%59.930.023.4N4.500
6 AM6973%59.630.044NE5.500
7 AM6965%56.730.053.4NE4.900
8 AM7261%57.430.074N4.600
9 AM7456%
10 AM7556%58.430.084.3NW4.900
11 AM7657%59.730.075.6NW6.400
12 PM7758%60.930.057.4WNW8.500
1 PM7760%
2 PM7761%62.6308.3NW9.500
3 PM7760%6229.997.4NW8.500
4 PM7759%61.129.995.6NW6.400
5 PM7658%60.629.995.1NW5.900
6 PM7563%61.630.013.4NW3.900
7 PM7468%62.530.030.4NW0.500
8 PM7468%62.630.052.2SSE2.700
9 PM7468%62.530.064.5SSE5.300
10 PM7468%62.530.065.4SSE6.400
11 PM7370%62.730.065.1SSE6.200
High: 75ºF / 24ºC   Low: 68ºF / 20ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM6976%6129.992.9S3.600
1 AM6975%60.429.984.3SE5.500
2 AM6873%59.329.983.6SSE4.700
3 AM6872%58.729.972.7SSE3.600
4 AM6871%58.329.972.7SE3.700
5 AM6869%57.429.971.6SE2.200
6 AM6869%57.2301.1SSE1.600
7 AM6866%56.530.012ESE2.900
8 AM7159%55.930.022.5SSE2.800
9 AM7358%56.930.052.5SW2.800
10 AM7360%58.730.063.4W3.900
11 AM7461%59.730.054.5W5.100
12 PM7561%60.330.035.6WSW6.400
1 PM7560%60.430.026.7WSW7.700
2 PM7560%60.3306.5WSW7.500
3 PM7561%60.629.986WSW700
4 PM7463%61.129.994.9WSW5.700
5 PM7467%61.730.013.6W4.100
6 PM7369%61.930.021.6WNW1.800
7 PM7174%62.330.051.8WNW2.100
8 PM7174%62.330.050.9ESE100
9 PM7175%
10 PM7076%
11 PM7077%
High: 74ºF / 23ºC   Low: 68ºF / 20ºC    Rain Total: 0in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7079%63.2304.5NW5.300
1 AM7078%62.729.983.1NE3.700
2 AM7076%6229.972.5NW2.900
3 AM6978%61.929.962WSW2.400
4 AM6978%61.629.951.3S1.600
5 AM6879%61.429.950.7WSW0.900
6 AM6878%61.129.970.4S0.600
7 AM6877%60.629.990.9S1.200
8 AM7074%6130.011.8W2.100
9 AM7171%61.130.022WNW2.300
10 AM7266%60.530.032.5WNW2.800
11 AM7363%
12 PM7464%60.529.994.9W5.700
1 PM7463%60.529.974.5W5.100
2 PM7364%60.429.954.5W5.100
3 PM7462%59.829.934W4.600
4 PM7461%59.529.914.9WSW5.700
5 PM7268%61.229.935.1W5.900
6 PM7272%6229.965.1NW5.900
7 PM7173%62.1304.9N5.700
8 PM7170%61303.1ENE3.600
9 PM7168%59.829.991.1WNW1.400
10 PM7069%59.829.992.2WSW2.800
11 PM7073%60.530.012.2WNW2.800
High: 74ºF / 24ºC   Low: 69ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0.01in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7075%61.630.051.3W1.600
1 AM7075%61.630.041.8SW2.100
2 AM6977%61.930.032WSW2.400
3 AM6977%61.830.011.3SSE1.600
4 AM6976%61.430.011.3WNW1.600
5 AM7074%
6 AM7074%60.830.020.4NE0.500
7 AM6974%60.730.032ESE2.300
8 AM7171%60.830.032.7SE3.100
9 AM7170%
10 AM7367%
11 AM7464%6130.023.6SW4.100
12 PM7464%61.330.014.5W5.100
1 PM7465%61.729.995.8W6.700
2 PM7465%61.929.976.3W7.200
3 PM7466%61.929.954.9W5.700
4 PM7467%61.829.954WNW4.600
5 PM7368%61.729.942.5W2.800
6 PM7271%6229.952.7SW3.100
7 PM7174%62.329.982.2W2.600
8 PM7175%62.229.991.6SE1.800
9 PM7175%62.3304.5S5.100
10 PM7078%62.9304.9SSE5.700
11 PM7077%62.6304SSE4.600
High: 75ºF / 24ºC   Low: 68ºF / 20ºC    Rain Total: 0.01in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7077%6230.091.1SE1.400
1 AM7075%61.330.091.6NE1.900
2 AM6975%60.730.072ENE2.600
3 AM6974%6030.062.9NE3.800
4 AM6972%
5 AM6870%
6 AM6871%58.330.072.5ESE3.500
7 AM6874%58.730.12ESE2.900
8 AM7069%59.430.112.5ESE2.800
9 AM7169%60.430.120.9SSE100
10 AM7367%
11 AM7465%
12 PM7563%61.330.14WNW4.600
1 PM7563%61.530.075.6WNW6.400
2 PM7565%6230.046.3WNW7.200
3 PM7467%
4 PM7467%
5 PM7368%6230.033.1WNW3.600
6 PM7271%6230.042WSW2.300
7 PM7174%62.530.071.3SSW1.500
8 PM7176%6330.083.6SSE4.100
9 PM7179%63.630.093.8S4.400
10 PM7081%6430.094.9SSE5.700
11 PM7082%6430.094S4.600
High: 76ºF / 24ºC   Low: 69ºF / 20ºC    Rain Total: 0.01in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7067%58.730.052.9ENE3.900
1 AM7068%58.630.053.8ENE5.100
2 AM7068%58.630.042.9ENE3.900
3 AM6971%
4 AM6971%59.330.022.7E3.700
5 AM6971%59.230.044ENE5.400
6 AM6966%57.530.044.5E6.200
7 AM6965%56.430.073.4E500
8 AM7165%58.530.083.6SE4.100
9 AM7364%59.630.11.3S1.500
10 AM7461%59.430.121.1WSW1.300
11 AM7559%59.630.113.1WSW3.600
12 PM7660%60.930.085.6WSW6.400
1 PM7464%61.430.065.8WSW6.700
2 PM7467%62.530.046WSW700
3 PM7370%62.730.035.1W5.900
4 PM7371%62.530.033.4WSW3.900
5 PM7271%6230.042.9SW3.400
6 PM7173%6230.062.2SSW2.600
7 PM7076%
8 PM7073%61.530.091.6ESE1.800
9 PM7073%61.330.11.8ESE2.100
10 PM7073%60.830.11.8E2.100
11 PM7072%
High: 75ºF / 24ºC   Low: 70ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0.01in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7171%61.329.995.1N6.200
1 AM7169%60.6306.7N8.100
2 AM7168%59.929.986NNE7.300
3 AM7166%5929.976.5NNE8.100
4 AM7066%58.729.977.2NNE8.900
5 AM7064%57.729.986NE7.600
6 AM7062%56.529.994.9ENE6.400
7 AM7060%55.730.014.3ENE5.700
8 AM7258%56.430.023.1ESE3.600
9 AM7457%
10 AM7458%58.630.051.6WSW1.800
11 AM7560%59.930.043.6SW4.100
12 PM7562%
1 PM7563%6229.995.6WSW6.400
2 PM7566%62.829.975.8WSW6.700
3 PM7470%63.629.966.3WSW7.200
4 PM7372%63.829.975.6WSW6.400
5 PM7374%6429.994.7WSW5.500
6 PM7275%6430.013.8WSW4.500
7 PM7275%6430.032.9WSW3.400
8 PM7275%63.630.052.2NW2.600
9 PM7273%62.430.072.7N3.100
10 PM7170%60.730.063.8NNE4.400
11 PM7167%
High: 74ºF / 24ºC   Low: 70ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0.05in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7082%64.630.051.8SW2.40.010
1 AM7082%64.630.043.1SSW4.30.010
2 AM7083%64.430.022.9SW4.20.010
3 AM7082%64.3303.6SSW4.10.010
4 AM7082%6429.993.4SSW3.900
5 AM7082%64.129.993.1SSW3.700
6 AM7082%64.129.993.1SSW3.800
7 AM7081%6429.993.4SSW400
8 AM7179%6430.013.1SW3.700
9 AM7276%6430.033.4WSW3.900
10 AM7374%6430.044.3WSW4.900
11 AM7471%63.830.045.1W5.900
12 PM7470%63.630.025.8W6.700
1 PM7469%63.629.996.3WNW7.200
2 PM7469%63.629.977.2WNW8.200
3 PM7469%63.329.946.3WNW7.200
4 PM7372%63.729.966.3WNW7.200
5 PM7374%63.929.964.7W5.400
6 PM7278%64.429.974.3WNW4.900
7 PM7180%64.929.983.8NW4.400
8 PM7279%64.729.993.1NW3.600
9 PM7279%64.630.015.1NW5.900
10 PM7278%64.2305.1NW5.900
11 PM7179%64.2306.5NNW7.500
High: 75ºF / 24ºC   Low: 70ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0.02in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7281%65.830.087.8NW9.100
1 AM7281%65.530.066NW700
2 AM7182%65.330.045.8NW6.800
3 AM7183%
4 AM7183%
5 AM7182%64.630.024NNW4.600
6 AM7082%64.630.034.3NW5.100
7 AM7083%64.330.064.3NW5.400
8 AM7180%64.730.083.8NW4.400
9 AM7375%64.430.093.4WNW3.900
10 AM7471%6430.094.3W4.900
11 AM7568%63.730.086W700
12 PM7567%63.730.067.4W8.500
1 PM7567%63.530.026.7W7.700
2 PM7567%63.429.996.5W7.500
3 PM7568%63.429.976WSW700
4 PM7469%63.729.985.6W6.400
5 PM7471%63.929.984.5W5.100
6 PM7376%64.6304.5WNW5.100
7 PM7280%
8 PM7181%
9 PM7181%64.930.062NW2.30.010
10 PM7181%64.730.052.5NNW2.900
11 PM7181%64.430.042.2N2.600
High: 76ºF / 25ºC   Low: 69ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0.03in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7276%63.430.093.8NNW4.500
1 AM7176%
2 AM7176%62.730.073.8NNW4.900
3 AM7077%62.330.053.4NNW4.400
4 AM7076%61.730.043.1NNW4.200
5 AM6975%60.930.052.9N400
6 AM6972%59.730.072NE2.900
7 AM6968%58.430.082.2E3.300
8 AM7262%58.730.092.7SE3.200
9 AM7463%60.430.113.8S4.400
10 AM7565%
11 AM7664%62.630.14.9SW5.700
12 PM7664%
1 PM7666%63.930.047.2SW8.200
2 PM7668%64.730.027.8SW900
3 PM7570%6530.016.7SW7.700
4 PM7572%65.330.016.9SW800
5 PM7475%65.630.026SW700
6 PM7377%65.830.045.1W5.900
7 PM7380%
8 PM7379%65.830.065.6NW6.400
9 PM7279%65.630.076NW700
10 PM7279%65.430.075.6NW6.400
11 PM7278%6530.065.6NW6.400
High: 75ºF / 24ºC   Low: 71ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0.04in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7379%6630.066NNW700
1 AM7280%65.830.064.7NNW5.500
2 AM7279%
3 AM7280%64.930.032.5NW300
4 AM7181%64.830.020.9N1.100
5 AM7180%64.430.031.1SE1.400
6 AM7180%64.330.053.4ESE4.200
7 AM7178%63.630.072.7SE3.600
8 AM7275%63.930.092.2E2.600
9 AM7471%
10 AM7573%65.330.113.8SW4.400
11 AM7571%65.330.114.5WSW5.10.020
12 PM7570%64.530.085.4W6.200
1 PM7571%64.730.045.1W600
2 PM7571%6530.028.1W9.300
3 PM7473%64.830.016WNW700
4 PM7472%64.730.014W4.600
5 PM7472%64.830.014.5SW5.100
6 PM7477%65.830.036.3SSW7.200
7 PM7380%66.730.064.3SSW4.900
8 PM7382%66.830.073.8S4.400
9 PM7381%66.630.083.1SSE3.600
10 PM7282%66.330.082.7S3.100
11 PM7282%
High: 76ºF / 25ºC   Low: 70ºF / 21ºC    Rain Total: 0.01in
TimeTemp. (ºF)Humidity (%)Dew Point (ºF)Barometer (in)Wind Speed (mph)Wind DirectionWind Gust (mph)1hr. Precip / Rain Total (in)Snow Depth (in)
12 AM7175%
1 AM7174%62.930.052.5SE300
2 AM7175%62.630.031.6WSW200
3 AM7179%63.830.042.7WNW3.300
4 AM7081%63.930.041.3NNE1.700
5 AM7079%63.330.041.3NE1.700
6 AM7077%62.530.061.3ENE1.800
7 AM7076%61.830.071.6NE2.100
8 AM7270%61.830.091.3NNE1.500
9 AM7468%
10 AM7565%6230.12.2WNW2.600
11 AM7664%62.530.095.1WNW5.900
12 PM7664%
1 PM7666%63.930.036.5W7.500
2 PM7569%64.430.026.3WSW7.200
3 PM7570%64.630.016WSW700
4 PM7571%64.630.025.1SW5.900
5 PM7572%64.930.025.6SW6.400
6 PM7375%
7 PM7378%65.430.062.7SSW3.100
8 PM7279%65.630.072.9SSW3.400
9 PM7280%65.730.074.3SSW4.900
10 PM7281%65.630.064.5S5.100
11 PM7279%
Past Weather Disclaimer Note regarding "Approx. Precipitation / Rain Total"


Partly Cloudy 81°F
29.98 inHg.
NNW 12.6 mph
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